How the af did he just bring up MLK in his speechAnd say that he will make his dream a reality ? Da fuq ? * coughs abolishing affirmative action cough *
I honestly am not sure which I find more surprising now…when people demonstrate that they’re totally heartless, or when they appear to be proud of the fact. 🤨
What do you do when people try to take credit Poll (4) See Poll OptionsTelling you it was their idea, when it wasn't It was yours....
It's totally ok to talk to people like trash because Trump will be presidentSaid a parent while dropping off their child 😑 Yes that happened...
Early this morning I received a dm from an old coot..Who thought it was okay to presume I needed his unsolicited advice .I promptly told him off and to go get some tact and mind his own business . According to him because I seem so depressed I should SWIM and stop drinking alcohol. That's the part... See More »
Is anything from temu worth a damn?I signed up to help someone get free crap, and ordered some free junk myself. Literally the saddest excuse for a tow strap and some of the most pitiful ink pens I've ever used. Has anyone gotten anything useful from that site?
" his problem is lack of sunshine "No Gladys ! He has severe behavioral problems either due to problems at home or something much more nthan that My God ! I WORK WITH WITH F&!KING IDIOTS Rant over