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I don't get why conservatives talk about the gender binary as if it's p-rnography.

I could get if teachers were trying to convince children they were trans but I just think they're teaching gender binary and letting them decide for themselves. For the record, I think it should be illegal to tell children they are trans or they are something but I don't think that's what's happening. I just wonder why they think of physical s-x and that's the first thing that comes to their mind, it's such a stretch.
ElwoodBlues · M Best Comment
Time to paste in my standard response to "only 2 genders."

We have observed genotypes involving XXX, XXY, XYY and X0 (Turner syndrome) sex chromosomes. And we've observed human phenotypes with a range from no functioning sex organs to varying amounts of male & female sex organs on the same individual (these are often called intersex). Genetic mosaicism is where the X and Y chromosomes are expressed differently (from the most common expression) on different parts of the body (these phenotypes are also often described as intersex and sometimes hermaphrodite). Then there's androgen insensitivity syndrome. These are all observable biological phenomena that either God or Nature brings into the human family. It's sad that so many conservatives are so ignorant of biology. But the real debate is about the most complex sex organ of all, the human brain.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@ElwoodBlues I gave you best comment because I know some dip shit is going to come up in here trying to argue that there's only two genders.
@SatanBurger Thanks!! It was pretty funny back on Yahoo Answers when some religious type responded to the above by accusing me something along the lines of elevating birth defects. Oh, what a setup!

First, I could accuse him of suggesting God making some people "defective"; didn't God always have a plan?? Second I could accuse him of defining genius is a "birth defect" LOL!!!
Still trying to weasel away from your very revealing "birth defects" comment? Truly, the level of hypocrisy you disclosed is STAGGERING. When it comes to abortion you're all about the sanctity of God's creation, but if you dislike their sexuality, suddenly they're "defects" and God is gone. WOW!

But there are still those who believe in some sort of tooth fairy of innate binaryness, and mere facts won't dislodge that belief.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@ElwoodBlues The funny thing is that heterosexuality is part of the same pathway that homosexuality or even any non binary person is. They're all just variations in genetics, hormones and other things. There's a million variations and one of those creates you.

That's what's so funny about people. I'm not sure why they don't understand this, there's something in them that denies that we have a brain and that our brain and body aren't the same but maybe it's because they don't have a brain. I don't know 😂

It's not that it's porngraphy, but that it's irrelevant shit that children don't need to know about. There is nothing useful or valuable they can gain from learning about such topics.

Also, it can lead to confusion in children. Children are impressionable and prone to phases because they are still developing. To that extent it is dangerous.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Rolexeo So no studies then? Thought so.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger I have other things to do than find some rando on the internet studies, I'll do it later jfc
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Rolexeo Alrighty.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Conservatives have been demonstrated in psychology research to have a fairly low tolerance to ambiguity. Basically, they prefer things in black-and-white terms instead of trying to figure out how many shades of gray there are.

They prefer having certainty and clarity, even if it isn't reflected in reality. It's just the way their brains process things. It's why conservative people tend to be far more deeply religious. They drooled over Trump simply because he had no filter: he said exactly what was on his mind. They worship the Constitution because of how unchanging it is.

It's this staunch resistance to change and low tolerance for ambiguity that makes them reject the discussion of topics that challenge the established order. They like having clear boundaries and categorizing everything into neat little boxes. Anything that violates those parameters is seen as abhorrent. A threat to be eliminated. So by making it taboo or by restricting the discussion, they can basically contain the threat and prevent it from challenging their rigid worldview.

It's easy to control the conversation when you silence those with alternative views
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@TinyViolins Thanks for this, I just read your comment now and agree wholeheartedly. It also clears some things up. I know some things about the differences between the two political spheres and the way they think but not like that. I understand now even though it's annoying.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
So much of this is taken straight from the anti-gay stuff.

Teaching that LGBT people exist is just right and common sense. It's not 'promoting a trans/gay lifestyle'. Like if a teacher says that some men love other men, it does not mean that all the kids suddenly become gayified. Its the same with trans.

Its also important so that kids do not grow up afraid of who they are.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Burnley123 Well I was paying attention to the news and some state made it mandatory to teach gender binary like two spirit. I don't remember what was involved but I remember the odd reference to sex and thought it was weird. They tried to say that teaching kids about gender was the same as trying to fvck them or something.

I thought how odd lmao 🤣
TheMacDaddyBoy · 41-45, M
All these labels are just ridiculous ..
It's like aliens have invaded Earth

Also, young kids don't need to be taught anything about trans, or gender binary stuff. Let kids be kids. Some of what is being reported to being taught in schools is downright inappropriate
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@SW-User I always love the ones who think it's an agenda when they're willing to shove religion down children's throats. Also, who names themselves Daddy lmfao. They clearly did me a favor.
@SatanBurger It's clearly a reference to a rap band from the late eighties. Not sure if I'd critique that way. I do get his sentiment in a way, but if I thought he could read I might have left it with, 'nouns are a useful tool in understanding, and since we humans love them, nouns, also a label, we need these, maybe it's good we create a broader understanding?'
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@SW-User Oh I thought he was calling himself a mack daddy lol in his username, it sounded corny. Yeah but at the same time people who are like that don't WANT to understand. They did studies on science and the like, people's acceptance only relies upon if they want to understand.
Torsten · 36-40, M
I remember when teachers taught things like math, English, History and so on. Now seems like they all want to push this gender stuff on them and tell their students about their partners and what they identify as and this or that.
When I was a kid, the only thing i knew about my teachers were their names.
It aint up to teachers to push their beliefs and gender views onto students
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Torsten Oh wow I didn't know teachers aren't teaching math anymore and that every single class will be about gender. Do tell me more 😜
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
because it's an idea and ideas have power.

How many people would believe in any religion if they weren't given the real world examples. Few are true believers and I feel that way about most things. Seekers will seek. Followers only do so when there are no answers given. And I have poisoned everyone's mind who has read this.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Jackaloftheazuresand Well in my view, people back centuries ago there were reports of men in women's clothes and the like. Plenty of reports and plenty cultures haven't had traditional gender roles except for Abrahamic faiths.

They just didn't have a name for these people, they probably just are.

We started understanding as we do research on the brain. It's only complicated to traditional people because they don't want to know so they don't do any research. What good would research be if they didn't accept it from the get go. That's like trying to learn science you don't accept what you learn and dismiss it so you never learn.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger Yes somewhere along the lines there were those who were the originals. I have had my own run ins with this but there are a few occasions where I've questioned if I could have been different if I never knew or did that person ruin my life. I didn't know it appealed to me until I saw them but it happened so early in my life how can I ever know if it was me or exposure.

That's the spine of this. You can't stop what is inborn but you can sway things that aren't.
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Budwick · 70-79, M
When people look at you like you have three heads, it's because they know there are only two genders.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Budwick No it's because they aren't that smart to understand the science so they look side to side like a curious dog. I love dogs don't get me wrong.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Honestly, it is because if something annoys someone else they should get thicker skin and toughen up. But if something annoys them or is a moral outrage. It has to be a big issue so that they can look like warriors fighting for a cause and not a bunch of whiney complaining cowards.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@ViciDraco Exactly. It's weird though, they think everything is about sex. Like non binary people be engaged in orgies or something, hailing Satan.

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