I deserve a T-shirt, entitled "I Survived A Monster Root Canal!" 😂
Yep. I got 'er done! After waiting 4 months to get into the dental office, I traveled 190 miles round trip to the dental school and had 6 shots in my gum, including one on my upper pallete, then a 3-hour long root canal, with no breaks! To top it off, I had heartburn to deal with, the whole time. It was miserable, with all the nasty tasting meds they put in the tooth that rolled into the bottom of my mouth, and I mean they were so horrible tasting, it immediately sent me in a panic. I've never experienced that taste before. They had to act immediately and rinse my mouth and I felt like I was drowning in water hahaha. It was awful. Then they had to stop three times during the procedure and take X-rays cuz my case was complicated. I'm doing good today, but sore, of course. I'm just happy that ordeal is over! They saved my tooth and I didn’t need a crown.
I'm very thankful I don't have to go back. They did it all in one day and the dentist was so sweet and super good. He took his time and the ordeal was rough, to say the least, but he even stayed two extra hours, just for me, so I wouldn't have to drive all that way back again to finish up. God bless him! What an angel! He was so careful, meticulous, professional, and caring. I knew I had the best and I believe God gave me the best, since I had prayed before I went.
The office was so neat and clean and everyone was so nice. There were at least 50 people in the waiting room, but of course they had lots of dental students, so the wait was not long. Maybe about 30 minutes, but it went very fast, since I was filling out seven pages for the office. My oldest daughter, Sherry, is such an angel. She went with me and was such a huge help. Afterwards, we went to Culver's and had the best tasting fish. I can only say, "Thank you God, for helping me through this. And for my beautiful precious daughter." There was so much traffic and even though she was familiar with the area we went to, a street sign was missing, so even she got mixed up as we went through one area. I was grateful she knew the way, because there was no sign telling us to turn left when we needed to.
I still need medical help and I think within the next year, I will need an operation, as I have a hernia in my esophagus and it hurts SO bad when I try to swallow food, so I'm trying to hold off on that, as long as I can. But today...I'm going to take a much needed rest and let the healing begin. I'm exhausted. I'm going to eat some more of that Culver's fish and then go back to bed. hahaha Have a great day.
I'm very thankful I don't have to go back. They did it all in one day and the dentist was so sweet and super good. He took his time and the ordeal was rough, to say the least, but he even stayed two extra hours, just for me, so I wouldn't have to drive all that way back again to finish up. God bless him! What an angel! He was so careful, meticulous, professional, and caring. I knew I had the best and I believe God gave me the best, since I had prayed before I went.
The office was so neat and clean and everyone was so nice. There were at least 50 people in the waiting room, but of course they had lots of dental students, so the wait was not long. Maybe about 30 minutes, but it went very fast, since I was filling out seven pages for the office. My oldest daughter, Sherry, is such an angel. She went with me and was such a huge help. Afterwards, we went to Culver's and had the best tasting fish. I can only say, "Thank you God, for helping me through this. And for my beautiful precious daughter." There was so much traffic and even though she was familiar with the area we went to, a street sign was missing, so even she got mixed up as we went through one area. I was grateful she knew the way, because there was no sign telling us to turn left when we needed to.
I still need medical help and I think within the next year, I will need an operation, as I have a hernia in my esophagus and it hurts SO bad when I try to swallow food, so I'm trying to hold off on that, as long as I can. But today...I'm going to take a much needed rest and let the healing begin. I'm exhausted. I'm going to eat some more of that Culver's fish and then go back to bed. hahaha Have a great day.