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COVID Vaccination

I did get two shots of moderna and I regret taking it because I don’t feel as young as I used to it 22 years old I get moderate exercise 5 days a week. I was happier before I know because I look at old pics of me smiling and now not so much. I look different in all new pics after taking the shots. Wonder if there’s others like me who regret falling for the shot? Thanks and peace be with you.
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SoulKey Best Comment
Oh, regret is an understatement. I was literally forced to take it but still.

AndysAttic · 56-60, M
Hasn't had any affect on me, my family or my friends...none at all. I do respect the views of those that do not wish to take it but that was not my decision. I do know a dear friend lost his wife to COVID before the vaccination came around so maybe I am biased.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Go do some research. Then I won't have to ignore you.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues if you would look someplace besides, CNN, you might find something quite interesting with true statistics
@Shaveit DUUUDE!!! I never watch ANY TV news.

@hippyjoe1955 Are the studies in the same fantasy realm as this non-existant study??
Piper · 61-69, F
It's just amazing, how people tend to look and or feel older as times goes by!
Confined · 56-60, M
I feel much older since getting the shot a year and a half ago. Bad decision. My job pressured us to get it since it was about to become law. Glad it got struck down, but still I will never be as healthy as I was.
But now either die from the shot or from Nuclear war.
MyidentityisinChrist · 22-25, F
@Confined appreciate your response.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
I've had the Moderna shots and all of the boosters, and am in the best shape I have been in for at least 20 years. I also haven't had covid unless I was completely asymptomatic. I haven't seen or heard of any adverse effects from those I know who have been vaccinated, though a couple friends who were not vaccinated have had covid several times, and one is suffering from long covid. That's all anecdotal, of course, but it is similar to what the covid data show in aggregate.
I have friends who regret taking the shots. After watching and reading the irrefutable evidences of what the ingredients in the "vaccines" can do to you, they've decided to not take any more.

I hope you'll be okay.
Wiseacre · F
I’m sure glad I didn’t fall for it, however, I can understand why someone with asthma would get the vaxx
@hippyjoe1955 says
These ones increase you chance of death by 7% every time you get the shot or a booster.
Surely you can substantiate this claim with sound statistical evidence. So please be so kind as to point us to the evidence.

After all, YOU are the guy who said:

And YOU are the guy who said:


Oh wait, this isn't the first FAKE research that you have FAKE cited, is it??

@hippyjoe1955 YOU are the guy who said "Prove it. You made the allegation." But you can't prove any such paper exists. LOL

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Its only a flesh wound blah blah blah. I'm done. You are not smart enough to conduct and intelligent conversation with.
@hippyjoe1955 You made up the claim out of whole cloth, ROTFL!!!

You gave yourself some good advice a while back; I recommend you follow it!!

texasborn89 · 31-35, M
that's why I never took it. I never trusted it and have heard too many horror stories for me want to anywhere near it
Not me. I lost young family members to Covid who chose not to be vaccinated and one of my sisters was in the hospital with Covid that first year, before a vaccine was available. I don’t regret being vaccinated one bit.
Ynotisay · M
Come on now. Choose reality.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
I did not take it and I am glad. 🤓
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I have talked to a number of people who regret taking the shot. I don't know anyone who regrets not taking the shot.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MyidentityisinChrist I didn't get the shot. I was debating it but the fact that it had not been properly tested made me hesitate. Then my brother in law got the jab and died a few days later...... My neighbor got the shot and he died a few hours later. That was enough to convince me that regardless of the intent the outcome was not worth the risk. BTW about the time we were burying my brother in law I came down with delta. It was a very mild cold. I never missed a day's work. Fortunately I can work from home so....
MyidentityisinChrist · 22-25, F
@hippyjoe1955 thanks
Skitzo · 56-60, M
@hippyjoe1955 i didnt take it and wont test. . No regrets here.
There are MANY who regret getting the shots.
Wiseacre · F
Wouldn’t surprise me, although many seem unharmed.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Welcome to blood clots
TH3S10GUY1 · M
Its about fear, if your afraid of dying you will fall for anything, if you have faith ( my faith is I know all that was a Plandemic/scamdemic created by Gates and the social elites to reduce world poplulation ) you will continue on without changing your way of living.
Fuck Joe Biden
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Ynotisay I would have hoped that since we are in the 21st Century, Man would have evolved and not gone backwards. We've seen the many benefits of vaccinations, from the virtual eradication of such dreadful diseases as Polio, Smallpox, Measles and Tuberculosis, amongst many others, yet modern medicine and vaccinations are now being decried as something altogether evil? The only thing "dangerous" is that someone is actually listening to these mouthbreathers and agreeing with them... 😖
Ynotisay · M
@spjennifer Yep. That makes sense. But there's a new wrinkle at play. The internet. Radicalization is real and so easy to execute.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Ynotisay Fair point, long before the Internet, we used to see nonsense like this in "Letters to the Editor" in the daily newspapers and there was some editorial control over the nonsense they spewed out, guess that's no longer true now 🥴
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Do 🗝️ stick to your forehead now? 🤪

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