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Should I get the COVID vaccine?

I hardly go out anyway. I only encounter people... Sometimes. I always wear my mask. Often wear gloves.
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Better to have it. Protects you and the people around you. It doesn't cost you anything either.
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hunkalove · 61-69, M
I got the first poke today. Nothing to it. No side-effects at all.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
I'd get it. Even if you don't go out often, those little buggers need just one time...not to live in fear, but just being cautious because it's such a strong variant. The vaccine will protect you, and while I really didn't WANT it, because it's only experiment approved, I know it gives me more peace of mind.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
Why not get vaccinated? It only gives you benefits. Having a sore arm for a few days and feeling like crap for a weekend is nothing compared to the months of recovery some people go through with actual COVID19.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
RealJasonVoorhees · 61-69, M
This post was a joke. I'm trolling. But thank you for the input. @Doomflower
Peapod · 61-69, F
I would say yes if for no other reason, you will not be a carrier and give the virus more time to mutate.

I hate the thought of anyone getting it with disastrous results when severe or deadly disease can be completely prevented.
curiosi · 61-69, F
I have chosen NOT to get the experimental vax. It is a personal choice however.
CuriousCuckold · 70-79, M
@curiosi Only if you live on an island by yourself, like so many do.
Yes. You should. The vaccine is not just about protecting you, it's about protecting your fellow citizens who have compromised immune systems and can't handle the vaccine.

Look at it this way: a pandemic is a public health problem, not just a collection of individual health problems. You cure public health problems by treating a population. So you need to start viewing the issue as if you're part of a population, part of a society, part of the brotherhood & sisterhood of humanity, not just as an individual.
Yes. All it takes is one person.
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
Ill never understand my initial read as "Cocaine Vaccine"....
RealJasonVoorhees · 61-69, M
I tried that once. But it got every where and made my skin stink. @11knaves11
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Ahhh I see now lol😯
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Having a positive attitude towards vaccine is important before getting one. Don't go to get your doses with a hint of skepticism while getting it. Have faith in whatever you choose to do
Good luck with that
Shut Up! Friday the 13th is not until August. Go away.
RealJasonVoorhees · 61-69, M
Nothing wrong with a little premature fun Lol. @SW-User
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Fuck the Mainstream Media. You're better than that.

I wouldn't get it but that's up to you
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RealJasonVoorhees · 61-69, M
That's the joke...
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