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Covid for Brits [I Wonder If I Have Coronavirus / Covid19]

(..or anyone else..)

Now we have more civilian deaths than World War2,led by a government without a clue: Shouldn't we revert back to then? The 1939 government were as totally useless as this one so things went to "sod the political parties this is important". An all-party coalition of people who vaguely knew what they were doing was formed. Couldn't do any worse than now. What do you think?
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PhilDeep · 51-55, M
I really don't think the current govetnment has much competence. I think greater transparency on who they're awarding lucrative contracts to would be useful as would full potential conflicts of interest. I don't trust them.
Nomoretomorrow · 46-50, M
@PhilDeep agree
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@rosejilly ] agreed a coalition would be a good plan when cross party co operation with ideas and suggestions to help reduce corona virus new infections and more deaths . it is time bumbling boris swallowed his pride and asked for cross party help as he is has been handling thing for twelve months now and bungled it go and proper
Nomoretomorrow · 46-50, M
Agree. Boris and Co have made the worst decisions possible at every opportunity resulting in the massive death toll we have. A cross party coalition would be an improvement if they could work together productively and depending on the calibre of those involved. What would help still further is if scientific experts were allowed a more senior role in the govt.
MartinII · 70-79, M
I don’t see what difference a coalition would have made, since the Opposition has entirely supported the government’s policies on covid, just occasionally asking for them to be even more draconian. It’s too late now, but what we needed in my opinion was exactly the opposite of what you suggest - an opposition which was prepared to advocate, or at least discuss, alternative strategies to the government’s. Then we could have had a proper debate and the government and its advisers would have had to defend themselves.

As to the government not having a clue, it seems to have one of the most effective vaccination programmes in the world, and certainly the most effective in Europe.
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Nomoretomorrow · 46-50, M
@geoam1 agree that there are so many selfish people out there who can't control their behaviour for the common good. However they've hardly been set a good example by people like Boris, his dad, Dominic Cummings etc. If you want to make rules for people to follow you have to be seen to be following them yourself.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@geoam1 yes agree with what you say it is rather a grey area .apart from things like curfews marshal law which is a bit extreme .makes you rather disappointed in a way with people as they know what the score is with corona virus. but still insist on being selfish and ignoring the rules and restrictions
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
@geoam1 finally some sense in a post desperately trying to blame the government for our inability to follow some simple rules.
People like to blame the government and certainly they didn’t act fast enough, but then if they had been tough people would be complaining about that too.

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