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Nausea and vomiting

Do you guys feel nauseous before purging? I usually do after a binge. I try to starve myself most days but I'm so weak I do binge sometimes. It makes me feel sick and disgusted. One problem is that sometimes I feel more nauseous after vomiting, which kind of makes me do it again to let the feeling out. Do any of you struggle with nausea?
Be careful about waiting too long to vomit
Stomach acid can build up and when you throw up it can (with repeated events), cause damage to your esophagus .

If you happen to leave it too long ....mix some carb soda with two large glasses of water - wait 5- 10 minutes (you'll burp - but that's a sign it's neutralized the acid ), then vomit .
I'd also recommend eating somwthing like yogurt and fruit afterwards (with some fiber added), to keep your beneficial stomach bacteria healthy .

The nausea before purging I think is psychological ....we kinda will into happen as we want to throw up .

This can lessen over years and go completely away making it hard to purge , or it can become a problem and all food makes you feel nauseous .

I can recommend looking up functional medicine and it's food regimes.

I know what it's like to be in the habit of purging .
And you want to make it as healthy as possible .
Nutrition is important, and eating something healthy after you purge is important - your body is all geared up for food - so make sure you put a little bit back in .....even if it's just a small amount , make it something that is nutritionally or probiotically dense .
Justinvincible · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie I always make sure I purge immediately after eating and with a big bottle of water that I force myself to chug
Justinvincible · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie I've made myself so nauseous by this point, most of what enters my stomach makes me feel sick now. I think excessive vomiting can make the stomach more nauseous or weaker
@Justinvincible excessive anything can retrain a body .
It's ok .
You can retrain it back .
I was bulimic for over 10 years .
I am still fixing some last things -.but that's only because now I know more.

Life is balance . If you do crwp to your body - do good for it too.

If you have trouble stopping eating , work from the other way ....try a fasting day now and then - it rests all your digestive system.
You can take supplements while you do it .

I found eating a little bit after throwing up was my way to eating again .
It takes time , it took me years to grow out of it ....and thats ok .

I would look into nutrition though - it helps you have a deeper understanding and changes the type of relationship you have

But do use the carb soda to neitralise the acid .
Your throat isn't the same tissue as your stomach ...and you can create ulcers and stuff .

Look after yourself .💚
Justinvincible · 26-30, M
I do eat one meal a day but I often push it and overeat myself sick so I can purge. I just really hate having a full stomach..
Justinvincible · 26-30, M
@SW-User I can't stop eating after starving all day. I'm too weak. I eat a huge meal and then purge everything. I hate that I can't control it. I know I shouldn't fill up more than 70%
@Justinvincible id really recommend eating something small like a boiled egg or a small tub of yogurt ....or even a little jar of baby food.

It's really hard when you can't stop .
But small servings of healthy food that is easy on your stomach is a good way to finish up after you have vomited .

Oh ....and water 🤗
@SW-User it's an addiction .
It's not easy to kick .
Unlike alcohol or heroin or shopping or whatever & you can't just stop and go cold turkey .
You have to face what you're addicted to everyday ...of the rest of your life .
It's like asking a heroin addict to stop while there's heroin still on the table ....they can't .
It's like asking an alcoholic to have just one glass - they cant .

Food addiction has to dealt with emotionally, honestly and helps .

You have to realize they have no stop mechanism .

People have died from bulimia because they can't stop eating ....or they stop too late .
They can literally rip themselves in half internally from food expanding inside of them.
It's like an overdose kills them .

If they had a stop mechanism - they wouldn't be bulimic 🤷
If you practice OMAD (one meal a day) you can get rid of these issues while being on your desired weight
@SW-User Bulimia can't be cured by that type of thinking's emotionally driven .
I went for years doing omad and still binged nearly every day .

Bulimia , like over eating is an emotional thing .
It takes time and knowledge and fair degree of compromise to move on from.
@OogieBoogie I understand it’s not one size fits all but it worked for me
@SW-User I suppose it depends how strong ones addiction is .
For me was the same as the OP....once I started eating ...I couldnt stop .

I had to slowly retrain my mind, (and body) to cope with food .
If I ate any meal bigger than would fit into a small yoghurt container - it'd start a binge .

Even one sandwich was too much 🤷

I'd hate the feeling
Feel guilty
And then just go into binge mode .

Even now , years later ....I'll open the fridge ...have a few mouthfuls of something - and that's enough .

Anymore ....and I'll eat too much.🤷
666Maggotz · F
I only struggle with nausea if I was using some substance like alcohol or Kratom. I do get extreme pain if I ate too much that it hurts to breathe.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Your best course would be to eat and drink sensibly, not binging, and not purging.

If you have an eating disorder, see your doctor.
AJ023 · M
Do you take any medication for nausea you should go to the doctor

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