Randie · 61-69, T
Please don't give up. The mind is an amazing thing. I had bypass surgery and was recovering when I passed a blood clot. This led to a stroke. I turned violent and had to be straped into my bed. During this time I was ripping drain tubes, IV's and PIC lines out. The only time I was calm was when my wife was near me. I was in a a deep drug induced coma but somehow could sense her. I have no memory of this for over a month. The only memory I have is vivid memory of laying tied in bed thinking if I go to sleep now I can pass and all of this pain and violence will be over. I was going to do just that and was at peace with it. My next thought was that I could not do this because I couldn't do that to my wife, kids, and grandchildren. I made up my mind to fight for them. I was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital a week later. Doctors told my wife that they didn't understand what had happened as they had given up and prepared her for my death.
That was almost 12 years and several strokes ago and I still fight for life. The mind is a powerful thing! Fight for yourself and the seemingly impossible can happen.
That was almost 12 years and several strokes ago and I still fight for life. The mind is a powerful thing! Fight for yourself and the seemingly impossible can happen.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
I have gerd and it does hurt...pepto bismal helps me.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@PTCdresser57 what medication do they have u on?
PhoenixPhail · M
I have GERD, too.
I'm so sorry you're having trouble with yours. 🫂
I'm so sorry you're having trouble with yours. 🫂
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@PhoenixPhail please lmk what you do for it!??? Please
PhoenixPhail · M
@ScarletWitch Dietary changes are necessary. Don't eat anything which can trigger a reflux response. Those things are;
Anything spicy, greasy or fried
Any citrus fruits, except for lemons and limes, which don't seem to affect it
Any mint or menthol products
Processed foods
Yellow tomatoes have less acid than red, and seem to work better. There's no one-size-fits-all. You'll have to play with which foods work best for you, and adjust your diet accordingly.
Also, any pain relievers - aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen - can exacerbate reflux.
Sleeping with the head of your bed elevated between 10° and 12°, and on your left side, is helpful. That way, the stomach acid isn't as likely to get into your esophagus.
And, maybe most important of all (and, possibly the hardest to achieve) ... find some peace, tranquility and happiness in your life. Emotions play a big part in all aspects of your health.
90% of all doctor visits are due to stress-related conditions.
I hope you find these suggestions helpful.
Let me know how you're doing. 🫂
Anything spicy, greasy or fried
Any citrus fruits, except for lemons and limes, which don't seem to affect it
Any mint or menthol products
Processed foods
Yellow tomatoes have less acid than red, and seem to work better. There's no one-size-fits-all. You'll have to play with which foods work best for you, and adjust your diet accordingly.
Also, any pain relievers - aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen - can exacerbate reflux.
Sleeping with the head of your bed elevated between 10° and 12°, and on your left side, is helpful. That way, the stomach acid isn't as likely to get into your esophagus.
And, maybe most important of all (and, possibly the hardest to achieve) ... find some peace, tranquility and happiness in your life. Emotions play a big part in all aspects of your health.
90% of all doctor visits are due to stress-related conditions.
I hope you find these suggestions helpful.
Let me know how you're doing. 🫂
Classified · M
Where are you going Thursday? Can they help you?
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@Classified I do not know atm
Classified · M
@ScarletWitch Guess we can still pray for it to be helpful
i'm sorry you are suffering
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
@lovelywarpedlemon I called and they didn't have an appointment til next month. But I made another call and I have one this Thursday.