Another drain on the healthcare system.
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PrettyLesley · 31-35, F
@LowBorn I have also spent a lot of money on cosmetic and dental procedures because I need to look good in my job.
PrettyLesley · 31-35, F
@LowBorn People like you don't bother me becuase you don't know me.
@PrettyLesley I know only what you choose to post.
Taking laxatives to stay thin is a hallmark of bulimia.
@PrettyLesley Making yourself vomit is not required for a diagnosis of bulimia. Laxative use alone can meet the definition of purging.
Either way, it's an eating disorder if you use laxatives specifically to lose weight or keep weight off. If you're using laxatives for their proper purpose and weight loss is just a side effect then that's different.
Either way, it's an eating disorder if you use laxatives specifically to lose weight or keep weight off. If you're using laxatives for their proper purpose and weight loss is just a side effect then that's different.
PrettyLesley · 31-35, F
@UBotMate I make myself have diarrhea and only put things in my body if I know I can get rid of it to be thin.
@PrettyLesley So you would have what is known as a purging disorder, which is essentially bulimia without the binging.
Majorsite · 61-69, M
Isn't that just know as anorexia ?
PrettyLesley · 31-35, F
@Majorsite I don't starve myself.