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Some partial bitterness

He suggested that we break up. Because he realised he wants a family and I don't. So we had the discussion yesterday. Today was my nameday. It's a thing in Greece. And I just spent it with few people that we go for hikes together. I even had a chance to swim in a lake and I love these things... Yet yet .. i spent the day without anyone close, friend, family or him. It's uhm weird. I spent this year's birthday on August, alone too, i had took myself to a concert.
Idk it is what it is i guess, but there is some partial bitterness to it, maybe practice makes perfect? ❤️
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Everything doesn't works the way we thinks. Firstly you just need to be comfortable with what you think, how you feel and what you do. We can try our best to make the things in the order we wanted them to be.

All the Best !!
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@elafina] 😔 sorry to hear you have split up maybe the best thing as you should not be forced to start a family if you think the time is not right and if he is not prepared to wait what sort of boyfriend / husband does that make him
being · 36-40, F
@smiler2012 we had an adult discussion..we talked about our dreams and he clearly has the dream of sharing his life with someone and having then that developing into a family.. while I don't see that in my dreams horizon. You could ask then, what am I doing, getting into a relationship? I contradict myself i know. I just live for the moment. I don't make life-sharing plans. There is my art, my will to travel.
He said he wants to become a father. ..I love children but i prefer teaching kids art or interacting with my nieces, instead of devoting myself to taking care of my own, i just have many things to do and a different calling. But i felt sad you know..
@being I don't see anything wrong in it, everyone is different. It's up to you where you want your life energies and your time is used.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
Happy nameday! Hiking and swimming in a lake are beautiful things to do. I understand the bittersweetness you are feeling, though.
being · 36-40, F
@ServantOfTheGoddess thank you 🖤✨
Coppercoil · M
That's hard. Just a hard all around thing. No ones fault, just one of lifes difficulties.
being · 36-40, F
@Coppercoil yeah that's how I feel around it. Seeing the harsh truth yet unable to dig it into drama. I really don't know where that leads
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Seems a jerk move to initiate that conversation right before that special day.

I wouldn’t try to gaslight yourself by suggesting that special days alone that you’d rather have spent in supportive, loving, celebratory company somehow shouldn’t feel lonely. Humans are social creatures and community oriented. It’s natural to want to celebrate with people.

There are also lots of people out there who don’t want children. I have a number of friends who are in relationships without plans to procreate. They love their work. They love their freedom. They would be unhappy to shrink either of those by creating a dependent. It’s not weird to want a partner without motherhood in mind. It does seem like something you’d wanna mention sooner than later though in future dating because for people who do you want children there’s a limited amount of time to do that.
being · 36-40, F
@WhateverWorks thank you for your words..:)
I do mention it you know?! But the guys seem to not take it seriously in the beginning. They're maybe thinking that I'm going to change my mind.
I am thinking now that maybe there were other reasons that this one wanted to let me go, so he found something that I wouldn't have anything to say. I don't like to think like this.
Anyways, sleep is helpful and now I'm going make myself a warm coffee and get ready for another mountain hiking with the team..🏞️
WhateverWorks · 36-40
😞 It’s the worst when you’re transparent /authentic about yourself from the get-go, but they go into the relationship silently thinking they can change you. My friends I mentioned who decided early on they don’t want children also ran into this quite often. I wish society was more respectful about women’s choice on this matter @being

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