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What are your thoughts on worldwide immigration?

Let’s talk about immigration… specifically about those fleeing wars and other terrors, including famine and an economy so bad their children are starving.

Do you feel like a country (any country, but specifically yours) has a responsibility to take in, humanly care for, shelter, and rehome (keep them in your country) these immigrants?

Should there be a global standard or should each country be on its own to do as it wishes in regard to immigrants fleeing wars/terror and abject poverty/hunger?

WARNING: Ugly/hateful negative comments will be deleted.
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nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
If you're country can afford to help, it would be the thing to do. I don't feel other country's feel they can empty their prisons and send them to another country.
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!


It's a wonderful post.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Ontheroad @SW-User I was just going to post this as well.

One of my grandfathers (dad's dad) was born in Ireland. Became a citizen through his service in the Marine Corp during Viet Nam. While in, he meet my grandmother, a Navy nurse and immigrant from England. On the other side, mom's mom was Born in Nuremberg, Germany. So I have deep immigrant roots.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
But not your inmates, gang members and criminals.
They can come to my house and I'll keep them safe and fed.

I know people have hateful thoughts about it. But c'mon, they're people, like all of us. I know what it's like to lose everything and people turn their back when you truly need them. I can't imagine going through what others do and having no where to turn. It's inhumane.

I know it's not that simple and there is no perfect solution, but barbed wire and hate are not the solution.

Why are humans so greedy when they have plenty?
@SW-User I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this way. People often ignore/debate my thoughts on it, but in a nutshell it's simple respect for life.
@Ontheroad We all share it 🖤
Ontheroad · M
@SW-User I also knew you would respond this way... luv you sis.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
What you're describing here are refugees, not just immigrants. And yes, I believe we and all modern, advanced, civilized countries have an obligation each year to take in refugees.
I wonder whose responsibility it is to take care of all the people displaced by no fault of their own besides being born in a war torn place. It is alarming how many people are displaced regularly.
Maybe countries do not have a legal responsibility to take care of these people, but what about human responsibility? Where is that? Why can't organisations set up for decades geared towards humanitarian services not come together, to come up with a solution? Why can't religious organisations do the same? A lot of them have access to ridiculous amounts of funds. I don't understand why little is being done about it.
Ontheroad · M
@SW-User Very well said, and I agree.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Sigh, if only it was that easy. Fleeing war or places with high risk of natural disasters seems logical and reasonable to me but I openly say that I hate how far economic migration got. Huge amounts of people leave places with gorgeus nature and push themselves into big cities where the infrastructure is failing, rent is enormous and pollution increases. I know that it's often bacause of politics and the feelings of helplessness in places where everything seems backwards and insufficient but it can't go on like that forever. If only there was a way to improve the quality of life in more places so that the wealth could be distributed geographically more evenly.
Ontheroad · M
@CrazyMusicLover Yes, there has to be a plan, just not williy-nilly movement, but if we really cared, it wouldn't be all that difficult.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Yes, I believe every country and every individual with a surplus of goods necessary to sustain life has an ethical duty to shelter and care for the less fortunate. The UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees is a basic global standard.

It cannot be left to individual states to interpret . . international problems require an international response.
Ontheroad · M
It cannot be left to individual states to interpret . . international problems require an international response.

I couldn't agree more... the trick is getting there.
I say this as someone who has volunteered in shelters, with homeless. I used to get angry at right-wingers who claimed that we put others ahead of citizens who are struggling or homeless. After volunteering for the last 30 years and seeing even veterans in our kitchens, I feel that before we give anything to anyone else, we need to make sure that our citizens who are in need are fed and provided with housing. It kills me that in a city of billionaires, there are even folks with children, sleeping on the streets.
@Ontheroad yep. same .
I watched my ex wreck his life....and mine , over money and stuff🙄

I don't see it keeping him ecstatic 🙄🤷
Ontheroad · M
@OogieBoogie that's one variation of the "regardless of what it costs others" part.

I never understood it and never will.
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bookerdana · M
According to United States law those seeking asylum must be allowed in,as it should be.
Honestly I don't see a global standard emerging
Ontheroad · M
@SumKindaMunster I'm not so sure it's the vast majority, but let's say it is. That is on us, that is on Congress to remedy.
bookerdana · M
@SumKindaMunster The simple claim gets them IN while they are awaiting hearing BUT how does one prove they fled for their very lives...what documentation can you get for that
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@bookerdana Exactly. As I said our generous offer of asylum is being exploited and weaponized against us. They can't but use the option to get in here and then they don't leave.
I just can't right now... I'm hurting...

Hurting because animals have an easier time of getting away from abuse than people.

Hurting because perfectly good food is thrown into trash cans, locked behind closed gates rather than being given to the homeless or people who don't have enough food to eat.

Hurting because a document is the sole reason why so many people are trapped in countries that are dangerous for them - even in "safe" countries.

Hurting because the very people who are supposed to keep people safe from abuse do not.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
The US does have an obligation to take in those displaced as a result of governmental actions. Like the wars in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
No, because such things will gamed and exploited much like how our generous country allows people to seek asylum here. Currently that is being exploited and many illegal migrants are staying in this country after falsely claiming the need for asylum.

If you want to help people you should do that. Feel free to donate your time, money and resources to whomever you wish to assist.

The rest of us are not obligated. It's always the Western countries that have to deal with this. Russia, China, India etc do not have this problem.
Ontheroad · M
@SumKindaMunster So, because the system doesn't function well, and because our immigration laws suck, are outdated and Congress can't get their act together, it's a no?

Yeah, no to that kind of thinking.

We (meaning those we typically call part of the Western world), can do it, do it right and fix the mess we are in, and alleviate so much suffering, death, and misery.

We can do it at home too, as can each country.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Ontheroad It's no for a lot of reasons. It's no because we cannot realistically expect to accomplish your ideal. It's no because currently right now in every major US city, and many minor ones we have a population of homeless people, mentally ill people, and drug addicts, all over the streets. We can't take care of them and you want to bring in more? How about we address those people first before we bring in everyone else?

Do you have any arguments that aren't moral, and shamed based? Any economic arguments, like how this will make us better as a country? Or pragmatic arguments that speak to how that helps us all? If you truly want to make a difference you have to think about how this is a win win for all and work on convincing everyone, not just your social media circle.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@SumKindaMunster that was brilliantly logical.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I feel my country could do a whole lot more.. But the government as been disgraceful with its actions so far. It would be good if every country pitched in. But I don't see that happening any time soon.
TexChik · F
Every nation is a sovereign entity. Its laws, customs, and language must be known and understood if that nation is to succeed. We do not need to import people from half a world away into our culture. They need to stay in their home region where customs and languages are similar and understood by all.
We are all one nation - one planet .

Although, in saying that, i feel we are a divided species.
Not by nation or colour or ethnicity ....but creed: personal creed, religious creed, political creed, humanitarian creed - or the lack thereof 😔

Or is it greed?......or maybe fear?🤔
Needless greed and fear.

Immigrants take nothing from us. They are not the ones to blame for misplaced or mismanaged government protocols.

I do feel that untill we give up this stupid notion of 'nationality' being one of our primary identifiers, we will always see 'imigrants' painted with a tar brush, rather than what they really are: people who deserve a decent life, and are willing to help be part of another countries ecconomy and culture - while bringing some of their own.

I part envy the aid they get, but also realize their struggles are way beyond those i have had.

I would wish that, should i need it, the same effort would be applied to me. So i dont begrudge them anything .

Should we have a global standard?
- well yeah. But we should also already have a global standard for human rights, standard of living,.. safety etc.

Which we don't.
We don't even have decent national standards for each nation.

We can't expect any sort of world wide "anything" untill we get our shit together as a 'World'😔

I dont think a country HAS any obligation to take anyone in. But i do think we, as people, have a moral obligation to help those who need it.

The worst part of all this mess is .....the greedy and the insane.
Immigration wouldn't be such a hassle if we didn't have extremists.

But then, we wouldn't NEED immigration AT ALL, if we didn't have the extremists forcing the problem in the first place.
@Ontheroad ohhhh.
He was so right.

And its prolly what got him killed😥
Ontheroad · M
@OogieBoogie I thought at one point we were getting there... now I'm not so sure.

@Ontheroad i remember that. I thought we were too. I thought it set a world wide standard to us, as privileged peoples - to our governments - of what we could do and achieve.

Sadly not .

Not even the governments were shamed into changing their ways.
People are supposed to share the world. Equal rights and freedom to move were already the law, since WWII. It's a miracle that you folks are putting up fences again - apartheid is okay and borders are military. Nobody around understands why we don't want that. Peace is too difficult for people today - they're ready for Armageddon.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Immigration can have a great economic benefit to the host country, but should not be at the expense of the greater good of the host country.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I believe in the free movement of people regardless of circumstances.

We should all be doing more to help refugees.
Really · 80-89, M
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uncalled4 · 56-60, M
This is an emotionally charged topic. I'll say this. It would be nice to be able to help everyone, but we literally cannot--there's just not enough money and resources. Budgets are already being slashed by the state and local authorities, then everyone suffers.
Ontheroad · M
@uncalled4 I disagree, there is plenty of money and resources,.. all we need is the will and the desire.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Ontheroad Agreed to disagree.
Ontheroad · M
@uncalled4 That's fair. My point is that we and other nations waste untold millions on friggin' coffee drinks, pork-bill projects, and on and on.

Starbucks alone sells something in the neighborhood of $35 billion worth of coffee drinks in a single year. Just the U.S. government alone estimates it makes $247 billion in estimated improper payments annually, averaging $20.5 billion of waste per month

There is money, and if done right, these immigrants become tax-producing citizens that enrich the fiber of our nations.
All countries need to start acting as a whole planet, supporting each other and the disaster ridden....thinking of not just the future but now and creating a fair life for everybody .

Now that I've gotten that stupid fantasy off my chest - we all know no one who could do anything cares - immigrants are no more a commodity than abortion or corn syrup .😓
I have no problem with it - besides I believe the government's strategy is working slowly but surely. 😁
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