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Is America's national anthem racist?

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I say yes, not for the content but the evil country it represents. America has done slavery, genocide, etc. etc.
Chill out dear
SparkleLeaf · 51-55
There are two verses in addition to the one that is sung at ball games. The third verse on its surface could be understood to be racist, as a threat against any black people who dared fight for their freedom, or it could mean something else. After a brief look at the writer and his views I must say yes, it is racist. Racism was sort of the order of the day but Key was a bit of a hardliner even for his time.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SparkleLeaf Key was absolutely a racist, but the Battle of Fort McHenry was between the Americans and the British. That makes it pure nationalism, unless you intend to argue that the British are a race.

Verse 3 is definitely racist, but the rest of it isn't.
SparkleLeaf · 51-55
@LordShadowfire So I'm wrong in saying that the third verse is racist precisely because the third verse is racist. Makes all the sense in the world.
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I understand slavery - you know the people that were captured by their own, packed like animals on a boat and sent to a known destination ? In which Britain / Spain / Belgium and Portugal profited from the sale of humans.
But I don't see how America participated in Genocide like Germany did in the 1940s
The Biden Base that don't understand "Oh say can you see , by the dawn's early light" have never seen the dawn because they sleep until 11 AM put on their bathrobes and go to the mailbox hoping for more government assistance.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MarmeeMarch Thanks for waving that Russian flag. We all know you guys support Putin in everything he does.

Oh, and thanks for proving that you're a bigot. Like I needed more proof.
@LordShadowfire I'm sorry, did I insult the members of the Biden Base ? Just relax and have a cup of your Liberal tears - trust me Nov-5 Liberal tears will be flooding the streets. I better buy a canoe. 😂
Jose can you see?
1490wayb · 56-60, M
america did NOT invent any of what you mention...all nations have much to be ashamed of and apologize for.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Kind of reminding of the far left wing version of Westboro here and the horse shoe theory.
Guardian · 56-60, M
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I think the western world is the most tolerant to others.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Justenjoyit That's why I remain here. We've got our problems here in the US, and probably so does Canada, but it could be a lot worse.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Racism and nationalism/chauvinism are two different types of bigotry.

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