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Morvoren · F
In most countries you can tell your government you’re dissatisfied without being hung for it.
Its shameful.
Its shameful.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
But 600 years behind
Religion, while holding some similaries, is not cookie cutter one size fits all. Nor are governmental functions and intricacies. While our values may differ, we wouldn't want others to impose their will upon us. What is needed in my opinion is to allow other countries their autonomy to function based on their values and culture. Acceptance. Recognition of differences. And guidence when requested. Religion and government are similar in their opposition to change. Others may do things differently than is but it us not our place to set their values.
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basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Iran wasn't always like that. Nor was Afghanistan. Western meddling put dictators and Islamists in power through greed.
As to the Reformation, it doesn't apply to Orthodox Christians or Catholics. Protestantism in some cases brought progress, but in others regression. Most Fundamentalist Christians are Protestants.
As to the Reformation, it doesn't apply to Orthodox Christians or Catholics. Protestantism in some cases brought progress, but in others regression. Most Fundamentalist Christians are Protestants.
NoGamesTolerated · F
This gal is not surprised.