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Time the Elgin marbles returned the Greece.

They have nothing to do with British cultural history.

As Lord Byron said in 1816, ‘ they were vandalised and looted’.
Gumba1000 · M
The Turks were destroying such statues and things nearby for the lime. The British had written authority from the rulers of Greece to take the marbles. Perhaps Greece could pay the storage and maintenance fee for the decades they have been preserved?
MethDozer · M
@Gumba1000A British apologist. Yeah your country and crown did so much good in the world.🤣

Especially Africa
@MethDozer Please limit the replies to a discussion of the Elgin marbles.

Incidentally , I’ve added a post elsewhere concerning Lord Byron with one of his poems. As you know he strongly opposed them being brought to the UK in the first place.
Gumba1000 · M
@MethDozer You're trying to divert the point. UK did nothing to Greece except help it. You know it, which is why you're trying to move the topic towards other countries and other topics. So instead of being a Greek apologist, how about you thank Britain for helping Greece get its independence? How about you thank Britain for saving the Elgin Marbles from the Turks and preserving them so well? While you're at it, you can thank Britain for helping liberate Greece from occupation in WW2 as well.
Nice to see the King wearing a Greek tie today. His father was of course Greek and born in Corfu. Just part of his current collection.
Convivial · 26-30, F
You left out they were preserved too...
@Convivial Yes, I forgot the appalling air pollution damage in the nineteenth century. And the hacking done in the so called restoration in 1937. Itself an act of vandalisation.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@SW-User I was thinking more of the war going on between Greece and Turkey at that stage...I believe the Parthenon, from where the marbles were taken, was being used at the time to store Greek ammunition.... But I do think it's time to give them back...
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout There is a strong argument for returning all artefacts to their original countries. The exception of course is Prince Harry, and we are eternally greatful to the USA for having him.
@SW-User lolz

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