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What would you change about your town, country if you could? Here is a video of an American who moved to Netherlands, she has less fear, more freedom.

1. No school shootings, less fear.
2. no need to have a car. everything is close to everything
3. The food is healthy, cancerous ingredients are not allowed in Europe (yellow mac and cheese, etc)
4. No homeless people with needles on the streets. less drugs, and less poverty. Everyone has a home.
5. No political fighting, many political parties, less political polarization.
6. Kids ride bikes and play without needing supervision and walk to everywhere, more freedom to play outside without fear.
7. Individual freedom of choice with healthcare. Government does not interfere with medical choices.
8. No high deductible medical insurance with or without a job (around $200 a year. You don't lose your house if you get in an accident. Less health stresses
9. Less disease and need for medication because people are healthy riding bikes and walking
10. Guaranteed 5 weeks off work
11. Freedom of fear to get fired
12. Freedom to choose when to work and when to be home with kids and family weekly
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helenS · 36-40, F
Yes, that's Europe. Many of us have a bike and put it to good use, and we use our feet to walk (instead of stepping on the gas pedal), so our obesity rate is much lower. Our cities are built in a way which makes walking a pleasant experience. 🇪🇺
Carazaa · F
@helenS Yes, I agree!👍
supersnipe · 61-69, M
@helenS See you on Strava! 🚲🙂
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Reclaim the streets for people. Prioritise pedestrians, bikes and public transit over private transport.
swirlie · F
I would give Donald J. Trump Canadian citizenship then have him run for Prime Minister and then when he won by another landslide victory like he did in 2016, I would lobby his government to build a wall, but only a big beautiful wall from east to west along the 49th Parallel and have it funded by American taxpayers.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@swirlie To keep Canadians in, or Americans out?
swirlie · F
Both, of course!
Umile · 41-45, F
1.) Everyone gives a percentage of their pay to a
funding for the community.

2.) Two times a day, at a certain time, is dedicated
to prayer.

3.) Family dinners, most of the week.

4.) A suggestion box for every four months.

5.) School evaluations every quarter with available
help. Classes that will help in tge real world.

6.) Mandatory Exercise for one hour of everyday
for the able-bodied.
Carazaa · F
@Umile Mandatory exercise?
Umile · 41-45, F
@Carazaa exercise is good for the health. So, unless its a good excuse, exercise you must.

It's so wrong and against freedom of choice, but heck, I bet that It'll help.
Carazaa · F
@Umile Europeans exercise everyday. The store is on every block, they walk everyday..
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Well, all of the above as far as pedestrian-friendly, better diet, etc., although at my age and on the meds I am, I can't walk that far anymore. But with sidewalk cafes and parklets, I could do it in stages like a rocket. 🤣

But the primary thing on the wish list would be some decent restaurants rather than the chain outlets foisted upon us.
Convivial · 26-30, F
It's interesting in that you need a strong government to achieve those ends, but not a dictatorial one.
The American dream seems to be the smallest government possible and a certain free rein for industry.

How's that working out?
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
They are so more advanced than North Americans.

If I could change anything about my town and country in general, it would be that we would exist as a community instead of strangers living beside each other. I wish we all cared about our community and did volunteer work to keep it beautiful and an happy place to live.
Babaloo6 · 41-45, M
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
And most dutch speak better english than Americans do..😷
swirlie · F
Oh my god, my theme song! Thank you SO much! 💃🏼
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@swirlie And tell me this doesnt have more class than the Original, which I believe to be Swedish.
swirlie · F
Yes, I believe it is Swedish! That guy speaks with the same dialect of English as I hear from my SW friend, SandWitch!
eMortal · M
Typical post from a Russian troll factory.
We'd be less afraid if we weren't such fascists. If my grandma had balls, we'd call her "Pa".
swirlie · F
I wouldn't live in the USA even if it was the last Third World country on earth.

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