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What should Joe Biden do next ?

US newspapers blast US President Joe Biden today for his 'blame shifting' over deepening Afghanistan crisis.

The Wall Street Journal said in an editorial that Mr Biden 'refused to accept responsibility for the botched withdrawal while blaming others' and the 'one group he conspicuously did not blame was the Taliban'.

A Washington Post editorial said he could have listened to the 'many seasoned hands' giving him alternatives to withdrawal, adding that him blaming others was 'unseemly' given that 2,448 US service members died in 20 years.
An editorial in the New York Post pointed out that no US soldiers have died in Afghanistan in 18 months, and 'he alone is responsible' for the Taliban takeover which is an 'utter catastrophe, for Afghans and for world security'.
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I am in favor of getting out of that hell hole but it looks like they had no plan at all and his bumbling speech made me cringe. I am worried that he is not in charge and his underlings are.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Nimbus I wish we had a lot of nettles here. I want to use them for tea etc. We had to help pull the feathers out after they were dipped in boiling water but that was after they had their head cut off and danced around for about 10 minutes. Grisly sight if you’ve not seen one on a farm growing up, kind of grisly anyway. But didn’t stop me from liking fried chicken dinners though.
4meAndyou · F
@cherokeepatti I've only seen that once. My grandmother asked my brother to kill a chicken for dinner...but gave him a dull axe.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@FreeSpirit1 Exactly!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Send his trusted son to Afghanistan to help sort it out.
graphite · 61-69, M
Resign. Harris and Pelosi, too.
@graphite https://similarworlds.com/politics/4015165-Who-knew-you-could-never-be-too-old-to-fuck-up-a?sort=1
Nimbus · M
@graphite 👍
Driver2 · M
Admit he is trying to harm us all , fire the vp and resign
Candie · F
@Driver2 How is he trying to harm us?
Driver2 · M
@Candie open borders , destroying our credibility with other nations, spending more money than we can ever repay, driving inflation up, paying people to stay home and not work, pushing socialism
Candie · F
@Driver2 i'm not totally opposed to a democracy that employs socialistic programs just seeing as capitalism is legit destroying the earth and creating a society focused on material wealth. Who can have the biggest house, the fanciest car, etc, etc.. Not saying those things can't be nice but there must be some kind of middle road that we can find that will suit all. Is he paying people to stay home or is he helping people who can't work?
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Nimbus · M
@MarmeeMarch lol, I'd pay to see that.
4meAndyou · F
Seriously, he needs to fire the head of National Security, Jake Sullivan, and replace him with a seasoned head of National Security with the ability to listen to, and liaise with, people who are more conservative establishment types.

We need to survive his term.
Nimbus · M
@4meAndyou Sounds reasonable.
theAlchemist · 56-60, M
taliban joe needs a new home in Kabul........
Nimbus · M
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he should give up, call trump and call him daddy
@Nunlover Like Melania. And Ivanka.
4meAndyou · F
@Nunlover 🤣👍👍👍
MasterLee · 56-60, M
AbbeyRhode · F
Be shot for treason.
Nimbus · M
@AbbeyRhode He is looking culpable.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
Get back on his medication
Resign due to stolen election
Nimbus · M
Stopmakingsense · 56-60, F
War was wrong and now we war some place else. Biden can't stop the wars. Business.
@AthrillatheHunt You don't do links. That's kinda funny. Seems like that's all that Trump did do -- links.

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@AthrillatheHunt . . . and it wasn't all that funny.

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@Stopmakingsense Yeesh Halliburton. We got a live one here - living in 2003
BlueVeins · 22-25
If Donald Trump has taught us one thing about American politics, it's that the media & establishment are paper tigers, and the best way to deal with them is to just puff out your chest and point out how fucking dumb they are. The goons on CNN & FOX are hated by the American people in general and fighting back against them can make you more popular.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@BlueVeins both networks can be considered state media, depending on who’s in charge.
Elessar · 26-30, M
1. The United States will reduce the number of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan to 8,600 and implement other commitments in the U.S.-Taliban agreement within 135 days of the announcement of this joint declaration and the U.S.-Taliban agreement, and will work with its allies and the Coalition to reduce proportionally the number of Coalition forces in Afghanistan over an equivalent period, subject to the Taliban’s fulfillment of its commitments under the U.S.-Taliban agreement.

2. Consistent with the joint assessment and determination between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the United States, its allies, and the Coalition will complete the withdrawal of their remaining forces from Afghanistan within 14 months following the announcement of this joint declaration and the U.S.-Taliban agreement, and will withdraw all their forces from remaining bases, subject to the Taliban’s fulfillment of its commitments under the U.S.-Taliban agreement.

5. With the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan commits to start diplomatic engagement with members of the UN Security Council to remove members of the Taliban from the sanctions list with the aim of achieving this objective by May 29, 2020, and in any case no later than 30 days after finalizing a framework agreement and a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire.


Who was in charge in February 2020?
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@Elessar Omerta!
Elessar · 26-30, M
@SW-User Omertà is a different thing, even in this case completely unrelated. What you're doing is "servilismo" at most.
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yeronlyman · 51-55, M
Britain Russia and now US couldn’t win a war in Afghanistan

Mostly a lack understanding of the fanatic tribal, religious & socioeconomic aspects of radical oppression

Trumps MOAB 2017 celebration makes a mockery of US policy in Afghanistan

Afghani structures fell apart
The Taliban are victors

You're too quick to judge. People said the same thing when the Communists took over Russia, and look how they ended up transforming the country into a paradise on earth!

Nimbus · M
@yeronlyman Indeed.
Driver2 · M
He should get high with Hunter and take Kamala and his fake wife and go to China .
Just leave us alone .
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Plan his funeral
@nedkelly good point
Nimbus · M
@nedkelly But just look who would take over :(
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Nimbus That person would be worse
Candie · F
One vote for helping to reestablish the rainforests. Sounds like a mighty task. If only the public knew who to boycott so we could help to not inadvertently contribute to it.
DCarey · 46-50, M
@Candie I'm sure the Taliban and China will help.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Nothing. Sleeps all day. His only Job struggling to speak is a Talking Head. That's it
Nimbus · M
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@nimbus] things cannot be that bad yet nimby . joe has not rang the samaratains or applied to join the manchester united fan club 😆
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
That’s out of character for the WSJ
Nimbus · M
@AthrillatheHunt It's an unusual even that has happened.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Nimbus their criticism is out of character
Nimbus · M
@AthrillatheHunt Realisation has a habit of being like that.
Nimbus · M
Adstar · 56-60, M
I would suggest retire... But then Kamala Harris would become US president and i think that would be even a more disastrous for the American people then having a senile incompetent like Biden in the position.. At lest with Biden you can hope that the Advisors can sedate him at their meetings so they can run the country without Him interfering..
Nimbus · M
@Adstar That's a point.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire 😯
RedBaron · M
Continue being president. That's his job. What should you do next?
Nimbus · M
@RedBaron Yea, I guess even a bad President deserves a second chance.
RedBaron · M
@Nimbus Trump had many, even after signing the troop withdrawal agreement with the Taliban.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Those same whiners won’t publicly celebrate the money saved by extricating American interests in the region in a years time.

How many billion do you suppose that’s worth ?
Nimbus · M
@Picklebobble2 Definitely food for thought.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Pull his head out of his ass and look around at all the problems he has caused this year.
Nimbus · M
@cherokeepatti Might be kinda painful ;)
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Nimbus He should have to feel all of the pain he is causing and his assistants too

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