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windinhishair · 61-69, M
Members of the Cult glorify lying and misinformation, so anyone would be a fool to trust anything they say at any time for any reason. Assume they are lying, and you will almost certainly be correct.
TexChik · F
The only people lying and committing crimes are libs. I certainly wouldnt do business with a lib.
Whyme · 46-50, M
Ok your turn would you buy a car from biden automotion while joe was sniffing your hair and shaking hands with your imaginary spouse honest hunter is cleansing your money over seas so how do you feel driving away ?
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@Whyme lol.
Close, but no cigar.
I'd prefer a human being I can relate to, who may lie, but doesnt flaunt it or promote his contempt for anyone but himself as a virtue or positive.
Honestly, its really hard for me to defend Biden. I thought he did a pisspoor job with Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, and was a pretty mediocre Senator before Obama drafted him as VP.
But Trump is something else, everything entirely. He's a guy who will spread any bushit lies that serve his own interests, and stick by them, regardless of the consequences or objective reality.
And, imo, the underlying thread for Trump, is his contempt for anyone and everything but himself. Mueller, for example, was the perfect set up for him to testify under oath, and submit to a relatively friendly cross examination by a lifelong Republican (and maybe a doddering one), and sacrifice a little ego in order to continue to serve the American people as President.
Bullshit aside, Mueller was an attempted lifeline thrown to him, but Trump couldn't take it, because of his own ego.
I get the appeal of a bull in a china shop, ripping down corrupt institutions, calling out hypocritical politicians and "draining the swamp.". Hell, Bernie's folks shared that motivation.
But Trump had, and still has, no solutions beyond "trusting in him" and rejecting eyes, ears, science and ideas like not bearing false witness.
Close, but no cigar.
I'd prefer a human being I can relate to, who may lie, but doesnt flaunt it or promote his contempt for anyone but himself as a virtue or positive.
Honestly, its really hard for me to defend Biden. I thought he did a pisspoor job with Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, and was a pretty mediocre Senator before Obama drafted him as VP.
But Trump is something else, everything entirely. He's a guy who will spread any bushit lies that serve his own interests, and stick by them, regardless of the consequences or objective reality.
And, imo, the underlying thread for Trump, is his contempt for anyone and everything but himself. Mueller, for example, was the perfect set up for him to testify under oath, and submit to a relatively friendly cross examination by a lifelong Republican (and maybe a doddering one), and sacrifice a little ego in order to continue to serve the American people as President.
Bullshit aside, Mueller was an attempted lifeline thrown to him, but Trump couldn't take it, because of his own ego.
I get the appeal of a bull in a china shop, ripping down corrupt institutions, calling out hypocritical politicians and "draining the swamp.". Hell, Bernie's folks shared that motivation.
But Trump had, and still has, no solutions beyond "trusting in him" and rejecting eyes, ears, science and ideas like not bearing false witness.
Whyme · 46-50, M
Ild honestly rather they be open about it so u know where you stand than have a snake in the grass
spjennifer · 61-69, T
I wouldn't buy a pack of gum from a tRumpist, it would probably contain some toxic chemical.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
I would buy from Eric for some magic beans
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I would not do business with them.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
You gonna let biden drive it?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I might sell one. Tell them Donald Trump once touched it with his pinky, and charge them $15,000.
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@Quoththeraven Even if they could charge you by the ounce for it?
@MistyCee well maybe then…..yeah😂