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Texas Republican party makes secession from the US part of its platform

First, there is no mechanism for secession in the Constitution, and the Texas v. White decision affirmed that once a state joins the union, it's permanent.

However, let's assume secession is possible. Here are some of the issues that would come up:

1. Texas would have to compensate the U.S. for any federal property (such as military bases), or pay to move them.

2. Texas would be required to take on their proportion of the national debt.

3. Texas residents who preferred to live in the U.S. would need their moving expenses reimbursed.

4. Diplomatic and trade agreements would have to be negotiated. For example, all of the Mexican agricultural workers in the southern, midwestern, and northeastern states on H-2A visas come through Texas. The farmers and contractors who hire them are responsible for their transit costs. It would be much more expensive if they had to be routed around Texas, so there would have to be an arrangement to allow them to transit across Texas.

5. Texas would also have to negotiate agreements with other countries.

I would love to hear Abbott's explanation when Beto asks him about this at the debates.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I cant think of a faster way to lift the average US IQ by 4 points. Can you?😷
Milkshake · F
the support for that outside texas is bigger then in texas... so lets just do it
Don't get my hopes up.
Northwest · M
I think the general delegation got tired of the hecklers, and added clauses that no serious person would ever implement. Sort of like telling your kids "sure, we can buy a $50M for you, so please stop crying".
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Northwest I think this is wishful thinking. They aren't mentally sound people. No reasonable people would suggest such things to appease the crazies.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Northwest Also lying to your kids is a sure fire way to cause distrust and teach them lying is ok.
Elessar · 26-30, M
It's BS, the republicans don't want to lose the weight of a state like Texas federally, if such thing was true a change of leadership there would've already occurred, under the pressure of the GOP itself.

Sounds more like a smokescreen to sway the attention away from other, more real, issues to me.
Viper · M
I say let them... and then if they do, then they get no votes in Congress or for US elections and then after elections go to war with them.
@Viper Let Mexico go to war with them and recapture it.
Viper · M
@LeopoldBloom hell no, we want that land...
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Those folks don't know (or care) about any practical details. They simply want to make a statement for the attention and views.
Any state with active military bases could never hope to separate from the union. This is just a stunt.
Well, I honestly expected it to take longer for the country to completely devolve.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, they do have their own power grid and direct flights to Mexico.
would they bring back slavery or put a bounty and the mexicans they find living there? this could go sideways very quick.. the usa will not allow it .
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@markansas They would bring back slavery, terminate the federal income tax, and institute Sharia Law for beheadings. They won't wear turbans or face masks though.
@MarkPaul ya i will sit back and watch the show. how stupid it is.. thanks grin
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
The republicans have become the party of grand standing, bullshiting and screaming just for the attention. It’s pretty much the newest Real Housewives show.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Dumbass Abbott as Supreme Dick tator and Teletubby Teddy Cruz as his Vice Dick tator, wow that will end well, have at it Texass and don't let the door hit your fat asses on the way out! Oh and don't come crying to us when you run out of food, water or power, buh bye!
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Well, they are more spread out than just Texass but it certainly would reduce their scope of influence 😃
@spjennifer True but good luck taking power ever again.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Agreed, think we probably see a bunch of the other deeply Red States wanting to do the same too 😖
spoiled little minded children.. the usa is not going to let that one happen.
sunnudenow · 70-79, M
Maybe we can collect all this bullshit and fertilize the corn in Iowa.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I say let the whole South go, right along the Mason-Dixon line. Let the right wing shitasses who are still crying about losing the last election get the fuck out of my country.
@bijouxbroussard No, I think society defines words. Western society, and especially the black American community, has redefined the word. When people use the word, without the hard R, it's not being used in a racial way. You can disagree with the redefining, but this is simply what happens in language.
Should people also not use the word gyp anymore?
@BohemianBabe Do you use the slurs for a Jewish person ? I bet you don’t dare. And they don’t use it to define themselves, because they have enough self-respect not to. Black people who use the term are lacking in self-respect. And white people who use it are risking a butt-kicking if they say it around the wrong person. These are facts. As long as the KKK still exists and still use the word freely, "society" hasn’t changed, and neither has what that word represents. But the bottom line is, you as a white person shouldn’t even want to use that term, much less be making elaborate excuses to do so, unless you are in fact a racist.
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