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For all my single sisters in Christ💜

Heyyy I hope all of my sisters are having such a beautiful day and night!

Listen, although you have that desire to merry and to have a husband, Jesus Christ is your husband right now. You are Christ wife first.
Stop worrying about the next man of God. You have to feel content with just you and God. You have to obey and submit to God first because how else are you gonna submit to a husband?
Go after God's heart and let Him purify you. Let Him sanctify you.

Fall in love with Jesus just because of who he is. Just because of His character and of how perfect He is. He is a perfect husband. Allow Him to take care of you so you can feel okay with sitting on your own because you know that your Heavenly Father is sitting with you. Fall in love with the Creator that made you and knew you before you were in your mother's womb. Fall in love with the God that knows how many hairs you have on your head.

He begins to show you more things about you. He begins to reveal more and more of your heart. If you haven't healed those toxic traits, generational curses, bad spirits, it will come up in that marriage you seek. So I say, you are married to Christ as He heals you so you can attract your husband. Marriage is a serious thing, you are becoming one in the flesh with another person. The purpose of marriage is to glorify God not to take cute pictures and to be recognized or to fill the void, that's the wrong heart.

Focus on spoiling Jesus and He will reward you. From a sister in Christ to a sister in Christ, I love you!
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Morvoren · F
Do you do anything other than the church jazz? Just asking before I decide to mute you or not.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@SW-User You got that right =

Deuteronomy 23:2 (KJV) = "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord."

Deuteronomy 23:3 (KJV) = "An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord for ever:"

Leviticus 21:17-21 (ERV) = "17 “Tell Aaron: If any of your descendants have anything wrong with them, they must not carry the special bread to God. 18 Any man who has something wrong with him must not serve as priest and bring sacrifices to me. These men cannot serve as priests: blind men, crippled men, men with bad scars on their faces, men with arms or legs that are too long, 19 men with broken feet or hands, 20 men with bent backs, men who are dwarfs,[a] men who are cross-eyed, men with rashes or bad skin diseases, and men with crushed testicles.

21 “If one of Aaron’s descendants has something wrong with him, he cannot approach the altar to bring gifts to the Lord. And he cannot carry the special bread to God."
@Diotrephes A...Aron done messed up
matthewjames · 18-21, M
what about if your not a girl?
salt777 · 18-21, F
@matthewjames I loveeee this question! Thank you!!!
Step into your light and become the man of God Christ meant for you to be!!

Start to train yourself to be a good husband for your wife to come and a good father for the children she will bear. As a man of God you have a responsibility to your families and the world and whenever you let yourselves fall into lust and temptation you are taking your eyes off of the Lord and allowing the devil to knock you off course.

Stay in your scripture, don't conform to patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind!!
You are powerful men of God you can overcome anything through Christ who strengthens you.❤️
matthewjames · 18-21, M
thanks so much :) that is best message I got on one of my. messages even if I dont understand it all im not um a father or nothin im jus a teen I did message you to talk but you didnt message back even :( @salt777
bugeye · 26-30, F
Replace jesus with pimp, husband with client and wife with hoe and this becomes the funniest shiz ever.

Also only way to get through the huge wall of text.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@salt777 Those comments sound like something old time Catholics nuns would have said. They dreamed about the time when Jesus would screw them.

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