God wants His people to prosper in all that they set their hearts on doing. His Word says that when others fail, His children will succeed. When other people are buried in defeat, His children will lead lives of victory.
The Lord is our refuge and strength whenever trouble of any variety knocks at our door. As a child of God, safely covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, you have no need to fear—even when things around you seem to be falling apart. For we walk by faith, not sight, keeping our focus on the promises of God, instead of the circumstances. I have found He is faithful to His Word and promises. He will bring victory and deliverance.
That’s the inheritance of the followers of God Almighty. The promise of Psalm 46:1-3 is the foundation of every blessing in your life:
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with swelling.
The life of a child of God is a life of faith and trust, giving Him priority in our life, and loving His guidance by the Holy Spirit. Jesus identified the most important commandment in Scripture:
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength (Mark 12:30). This is not a "have to" situation. He is our Creator. Those who love the Lord, automatically want this. He gave His absolute best for us, giving His own life for us. I never want to give Him less.
We can never ever go wrong by loving Christ. He will never lead us astray nor on the wrong path. Love and fellowship with Jesus will bring you to receive any of God’s wonderful blessings, promises, and protection. Is your heart focused in the right direction, so you can experience the victories He has in mind for you? He keeps those who dwell and focus on Him, in perfect peace. And whosoever turns to him as Lord and Savior, he never turns away. And whatever you are going through, you can always turn to Jesus and he will see you through.
Oh, victory in Jesus, my Savior forever He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood He loved me 'ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood
@DocSavage Everyone with just a rudimentary understanding of the Bible will automatically know this book is trash. The author is illiterate when it comes to the Bible, given his out of context use of so many Bible verses. He asserts Donald Trump is the Son of Man, king of kings who will be a world leader that Jesus talks about in the Bible. Common sense and a 6th grace Sunday School education tells Trump is no such thing. If you really want to spend $17.95, I suggest people give it to their favorite charity. Whoever buys this book, may as well just flush their money down the toilet.
It is very poorly written. Incoherent. Rambling. Extraordinary claims made without any evidence. Presupposes the author’s word to be authoritative and reliable while the content proves otherwise. The author leans heavily on straw man attacks and misrepresentation throughout the book. Despite the author’s claim of reading “the Bible about one hundred fifty times”, Helgard Müller lacks any real theological or biblical literacy.
@LadyGrace That there is only one way of thinking. That the one way of 'true' thought comes from one source. That those who think otherwise are 'the others' and can never join 'us'.
@Thodsis There's not only one way of thinking. We can choose right from wrong. Jesus is the One who said there is only one way to heaven and if anybody knows, it would be Him.
Scripture has only one interpretation. That is what the verse or passage literally states. The interpretation is not subject to what we might think or guess it means, but what it literally states and what Jesus meant it to convey. It is man that gets scripture all confused and twisted around and the Bible says that God is not the author of confusion. Satan is.
@DocSavage oh I was waiting for that Pascal's wager accusation. Your excuse doesn't hold water because it is relevant and you know it. Yes and mythology is exactly that, a myth! There's only one account in the Bible of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden but if you want to believe others who have written myths, go ahead.
@LadyGrace One of the many problems with Pascal, is not only are you assuming there is a god, you’re assuming you got the right one. Humans have been making up gods since the dawn of time. That includes Yahweh and or Jehovah and Jesus if you want to get technical. It also implies that we should fear god, and be ashamed for disappointing him , for not living up to his impossible standards. I myself find that very hypocritical, as god doesn’t live up to his own ideals. Of course ,believers like to overlook those details. Just as you are overlooking the earlier versions of the Genesis mythology. Which as we all know out date the bible by centuries, I myself don’t see why you accept one fable as true, while dismissing the original version as false. But, that just goes back to my point about Pascal. Gods are man made, products of the cultures. One is no more real than the other. No matter how strongly you believe, it still won’t make it true. So, it’s just a pleasing fantasy. Some of us don’t need the illusion anymore.