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I've just been accused of being a witch by someone I loved!

He even held out a silver cross and held it to my chest! I've never felt so hurt before! When God found me I was schizophrenic after playing with a pack of tarot cards, and I sold my soul! When I was 19! I have been redeemed by Christ since 2000, I was born again on December 8th, 2001. I have worked out my salvation with fear and trembling until God promised me heaven through a man of God named Dr. Charles Stanley! Soon afterwards I could hear Heavenly Seraphim Angels singing Holy Holy Holy and Hallelujah! I am now seated in Heavenly places and Christ is living in and through me healing many people! The only problem is is that there is one demon that still lingers.. she is not only attacking me but innocent people around me! That is why I am afraid to go to church....I'm afraid to curse Gods people.
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meetingpeople · 26-30
I also think you need to see a psychologist. What scares you so much about church? It's a place that's supposed to bring calm and comfort, but not the emotions you're experiencing. I also think you're getting too wound up. Talk to someone you trust, if you don't have such people at your church I suggest portland oregon churches on I'm sure you will find support there. I`ve been going to that church for several years now, because I too came there with a problem that was weighing me down. However, after talking to the pastor, I felt better from the first meeting. I know for a fact, if the pastor in your church is prejudiced against you, you should change it.
Adstar · 56-60, M
I believe the Holy Spirit does not share it's temples with demons.. So i do not believe saved followers of Christ can be demon possesed.. Can demons afflict them? yes.. But there are some Christians with the power to remove demons.. If i knew a demon was stalking me i would either ask God to remove it or start seeking to find a Christian who can remove demons..
Montanaman · M
You Believe in Christ! Everything is possible with God. ❤️🤗🙏😇
karysma · 31-35, F
I'm sorry you had to go through that 😢. My only advice is find someone who knows how to use their authority in the name of Jesus. That demon has to go. You have to be part of the body of Christ. Go to a church that has the Spirit of God active in the members. In the meantime exercise your authority according to this scripture.

And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; Mark 16:17 NKJV

Remember the Greater One lives in you
There is nothing wrong with Tarot cards. The original versions were painted for the noble families of Renaissance Italy, who were of course Christians. The cards themselves are full of Christian imagery.
TrumpIsFinallyGone · 41-45, M
Is this Christine O'Donnell 🤔
Sounds as though they were trying to hurt you. Hopefully, things will change.
Pfuzylogic · M
You are not a witch. ❤️
It would help to have several Christian friends that love and understand you but I have never seen you resort to the tarot here.
A psych can help you. Choose a Christian one if you must.
@saintsong I meant a psychiatrist
saintsong · 41-45, F
@SW-User Hahahaha mmmkay lol yes I do have one she has been my psychiatrist since 2010 I also have my own nurse and social worker and therapist who takes me to the lake every Wednesday! I also have a G P family doctor....My schedule is full!
@saintsong good to know..take it steady
My adage is if’s it not science, it’s superstition. The Bible says otherwise.

Kill female witches (not male)
Exodus 22:18 “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” KJV (The NRSV has “female sorcerers.” This one verse has resulted in the deaths of many thousands of women through history.)
DDonde · 31-35, M
take it as a compliment
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
Fucking heretic. Only the God-Emperor of mankind is the true way. Read the Lectitio Divinitatus to learn the truth
pride49 · 31-35, M
@KiwiDan Please be a troll
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