I recommend going on YouTube and watch on alpha and omega productions the video on the hadron collider it’s called satans plan to kill God! It’s worth the watch
@BritishFailedAesthetic - People DO need to WATCH this before they come to any conclusions! It's not what you think! What CERN is doing, is atrocious, IF this is true. Programming people with embedded sublingual messages? Demons certainly are not our "benevolent ancestors" that are coming to solve all our problems, the way CERN and all these TV shows are portraying. They are up to no good and that's all.
CERN is playing with our lives, pretending they're looking for other dimensions and what gets me, is they're "willing to risk what they find", they said. What MIGHT come through. And they already say they are in communication with demonic entities. Demonic. Yes.... people better be watching that video. Thank you for sharing it with us.
However, I don't believe they shall succeed, IF the video is true. Prophecy doesn't talk about these things except for the Antichrist, in Revelation. Only the demons don't come out of a portal!
it has already created several tiny black holes which fell into the center of the Earth and are now consuming the planet from within. The earth will open beneath your feet and swallow you whole just like it says in the Bible. this is truly the end of days! Repent sinners and be saved while ye can....
@GerOttman don't even go there old man. You should have had more Pride than to tell me you will show it to me. This conversation is closed to you. Bye!
Sorry about that on your post, Mcnamee, dear. That guy seems to just be a dirty old disgusting man. Probably a troll. You may delete both our conversations if you like, but I won't apologize for my answers because he's the one that brought it on.
It's something I read in Dan Brown Novel. They want to create Anti matter from nothing but energy. It's a giant tube in which Anti electron / Neutron will be collided and it will create Anti Matter. But what I still do not digest is they are not referring to that Anti particle as 'Mass'. So, I consider it nothing but another upscaled game of theirs in search of Anti matter.
@cherokeepatti No wonder it won't be long before Jesus comes back. He's tired of all our evil ways, trying to be "gods"! Reminds me of the Tower of Babel.
People have no idea what we are in for, think back 100 years and the level of technology vs today, it accelerates exponentially. The difference between then and now will pale compared to the difference between now and the next 100.