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Did you pass the test or not?

The majority of people caved in when the Covid jab was mandated and only a minority refused and pushed back. It shows that there are people who are still able to think critically and shows character and strength. I am sure this was a test which most failed, taking the vaxx. Those same people who caved in, in my opinion, will gladly take the Mark of the Beast when it is mandated too. They are not strong enough to resist.
My wife and I have had every jab OFFERED. Covid and flu. No adverse reaction at all. We have both had Covid but very mild effects. No flu.

Never understood the use of such words as "caved in" or even describing any choice, for or against, as "thinking critically." We simply did our homework as far as we were able and chose to be vaccinated. No regrets.

EDIT And what is all this Mark of the Beast BS? And no, don't waste my time drivelling on about so called prophecies in Revelations.....
Ynotisay · M
@SW-User I hear you. I use a computer but don't know anything about them. I TRUST that the professionals do.
And with the speed I can understand some concern. But the speed was a result of many years of testing and developing mRNA technology which was an enormous breakthrough. The world dodged a huge bullet due to that work in advance. They were ready to go when the bell rang. Countless deaths were avoided. It's why I'm thankful for really smart, dedicated people.
@Ynotisay Thanks. I knew nothing of the background you speak of re mRNA technology. I'll have to look it up.

But, yes, no doubt that a lot of good work is always being done by a lot of dedicated people.
@Ynotisay To that crowd, "do your own research" means "watch 10 hours of videos by some crank on YouTube that I'm embarrassed to link for you."
WillaKissing · 56-60
I never caved in for the Vaxx and I dang sure will not cave for the beast. I rather go down fighting a good fight than to cave in.
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WillaKissing · 56-60
@WillaKissing Don't blame folks for not drinking your Cool Aid. Enjoy your governmental poison, fool.

Blame Obama for ordering Fauci to develop covid under his first term and them, then ordering Fauci to give the research to China to further with a 2.5 million grant.

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No you could refuse it, and rely on other people to protect you by the herd pack . Or you were free to be a spreader, and cause others to die.

No problem. The Middle East is a far bigger worry.
TexChik · F
As soon as I saw Biden giving passes to all of his lackeys...I knew it was a scam. I have had covid, but never took the poison jab.
The COVID vaccine was never mandated in the U.S. It wasn't a test of anything, it was a medication to reduce your chances of adverse effects from the disease.

Good thing that the Mark of the Beast is a metaphor and not anything real that you have to worry about. Revelation isn't prophecy, it's a symbolic commentary on the political situation at the time it was written. No less an authority than Martin Luther thought it shouldn't have been included in the Bible.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Well, it certainly was a test from Big Brother, he is always testing us.
Ynotisay · M
Still playing the vax game, huh? Why? What do you get out of it bro? You're not implying that you, and those like you, are STRONG, are you? Nah tiger. Weak as shit. Told what to do by manipulators because they KNOW the weakest and most malleable just need to live in fear. The true lemmings and snowflakes. You'd think the reality of the non-vaxed dying really terrible deaths in SIGNIFICANTLY higher numbers would penetrate. But nope. The weakness takes precedent over reality. And that's outside of giving zero fucks about the health of others. Pitiful. You strike me as a little boy who was never taught to be a man. And that sucks.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i am sorry to say I took the shots to travel. I learned a valuable lesson on that BUt I love the Lord and will not take the mark of the beast.
Go on! You lecture us on the mark of the beast in those speedos!
Everyone I know that died of Covid (7) had not been vaccinated .. no one I know that was vaccinated died, developed a serious Covid case or had serious reactions. I'm comfortable with my choice based on the science and my risk factors. Don't really care what anyone else thinks or has to say about it.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Mandated? You mean it was compulsory where you are?
@HootyTheNightOwl well, that rhetoric turned out to be over inflated, didn't it?
@Activitykittens On the basis of someone dying from something other than Covid19???

I'd say that it went much better than you killing her because you were too paranoid about chips in the vaccine to join the queue with those of us who cared about more than just ourselves during the pandemic and went out working through the worst of it, given the fact that there would have been no hospital staff or ambulance drivers had we all just refused to get the vaccine "because I don't want no chips in me".
@HootyTheNightOwl they literally let COVID infected nurses come in to work, while keeping those that hadn't had the vaccine at home despite whether or not they had natural immunity

But I get you're emotionally triggered by the issue, so I'll leave it there
Musicman · 61-69, M
That is not true. When Covid first came out we were told it was a world wide pandemic and people were dropping dead from it. I think everyone knows at least one person that died from it. We got the vaccine long before it was mandatory. We just wanted to protect ourselves. Sadly both my wife and I had reactions. We are done. We will never get another Covid vaccine. We haven't even had a flu shot the past couple of years either.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
there were massive societal and health consequences
I think that depends very much on where in the world you were. The UK had it especially bad with lockdowns, lost school time, etc. While here in Norway we had no lockdowns and schools simply arranged for class sizes to be halved, and hence allow for greater distance between students in the class room, by having children work at home every second day.

The excess death rate during the pandemic in Norway was negative yet we never had a lockdown just bans on large gatherings and restriction on the number of people you could invite into your home at one time. I continued to visit cafés and shops throughout the time but hair dressers, nail bars, physiotherapists, and similar hands on jobs had to shut down for a couple of months.
@ninalanyon sounds like heaven 😭
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Activitykittens A lockdown can't happen in Norway because freedom of movement is a constitutional right and the last time it was infringed was during the war when Norway was occupied. A couple of MPs did suggest an amendment but they didn't get any support.

But Norway is a high trust society, we trust the government to have our best interests at heart and leave epidemiological decisions to those trained in the subject (mostly) and the government trusts us to behave well (also mostly). In the UK where solidarity is a dirty word and no one trusted Boris and his cronies as far as they could be thrown it was all very different.
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
No jabs for me ...proud pure blood.
People took the jab, I didn't for medical reasons and got a waiver from my doctor as I otherwise I would have, because they sincerely believed in the science. YOU on the other hand claim to think critically, yet BLINDLY follow a myth that is being proven to be false more and more as time advances.
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