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Isn't this what the Christian Nationalist/Trumpists want?

It's a nice piece and I agree with the sentiment, because it scares the crap out of me, too.

But at the same stuff, seeing stuff like this bothers me, because it seems to feed right into the, "if you don't like it, leave" mentality.

I feel like I should pack my bag, just in case, but damned if I want to. I was born here, raised and educated on the idea that this country was not just another Christian Nation with the idea that it was founded on "liberal ideas," including separation of Church and State, meaning more than just the Establishment Clause.

I'm not stupid. I realize that it was never that simple, but Trump and then 1/6 and the reaction to it made me realize, maybe I have less in common with more Americans than I thought I did.

I'm not giving up yet, but the definition of "civil discourse" is weighing a lot more heavily on me, along with more basic differences in terms of how one person treats another.

Did Jesus just over simplify, or did he mean to say, if you follow me and those who claim to support my message, you can ignore the older stuff ?

I'd like to think Christianity isn't a farce, but it sure seems like this crap is being carried out in it's name and there isn't much (enough) resistance.

Opinion: As a Jewish American, I don't see this country quite the same way after January 6
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Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I live in a red state. The majority of these people still adore trump. They also believe the Bible is a law book. They want everyone not like them dead.

I'm leaving. This is not the country I swore an oath to defend forty years ago. It is flooded with domestic enemies.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The new right is a global thing. I've just been reading that a woman who is a literal fascist is favourite to be Italy's new leader.

'Godwin's law check?'

As a mayor, she had a square renamed after one of Mussolini's ministers.
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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Elessar Exactly. It's such a shame that they have galvanised resistance against the system for nothing!
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Burnley123 Well in their eyes they haven't, whoever represented the system changed over time and so they've adapted. 😆 It's really that Italy is a country that is founded on opposing whoever was governing for last, or at the very least their electorate:

When the system was Berlusconi / Monti / Letta, they allied with Salvini to counter it. They've successfully managed to become the main party of a governing coalition and at that point it was Salvini the system that needed to be countered, so they've realigned themselves with the Dems (okay Salvini had his own share of fault in this, as it was him leaving the League-5S coalition, but they were striding and sooner than later it would've happened regardless, he just gave them a chance). Part of the 5S turned against their own party as well, either because they couldn't accept they had become the system and had this urge to attack themselves (Di Battista et al), or because even if "the concept of left and right is no longer relevant", switching from being the legs of an ultranationalist government to suddenly becoming an extension of the Dems must've been difficult to digest (Paragone)

Basically, they have the numbers they have because Italians don't know what they want but they sure like whoever makes for a loud opposition. This gets you elected, sure, but you can't be a credible loud opposition anymore once you're part of a government, and that's why they're plummeting in the polls (along with the League, no matter how far Salvini went recently to act like an opposition member while being himself in the Draghi coalition). I think Meloni current projections, similarly, are indeed that high simply and solely because she's essentially been the only (perceived) anyi-system loud opposition lately, but she's not immune to these dynamics either (unless they'll pull a Jan 6th here too, and manage to lock themselves in power, idk)
TexChik · F
Nov6 did it for me . Jan 6 was the dog and pony show set up to distract away from the shady election activities and to keep Trump from running .
Carla · 61-69, F
As an american, i began to see this country differently after 2016.
But to feel as though you must flee from those you may have sat next to at the lunch counter, is obscene.
Really · 80-89, M
@Carla That's a very silly statement - kind of obscene really.
One of the most frightening things for me is an American Christian theocracy. I enjoy the spiritual life that I do precisely because I live in a secular pluralistic society with a separation of church and state.

I think you need to appreciate that the most distorted voices don’t speak for all of Christianity. Most Christians fear an American Christian theocracy as well. They condemn it.

And so they should, as they first question is what Christians would be represented? It won’t be the Roman Catholics or the Orthodox. Or the mainline churches, the Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians. It won’t be the liberal churches. Nor will it be the Mormons, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah Witnesses. It won’t be the Quakers. Won’t be the contemplatives.

That’s alot of people with a lot of property, capital, and political capital.

And we’re talking fellow Christians. We haven’t even gotten to the nonbelievers, who are the religious majority, or the religious minorities like Jews, Buddhists and so on.

I think it’s important to realize that the call for a Christian nationalistic theocracy is much older than Trump and 6 January. This isn’t a Trump thing.
Budwick · 70-79, M
The Jewish angle is a nice twist.

That article doesn't accurately portray Jan 6th.
The Jan 6th committee certainly doesn't either.

I don't want to live in fear that my wife and I will have to flee Washington to escape Nazis in our neighborhood, or that our democracy will be destroyed by officials who swore an oath to protect and uphold it. - Seriously?
Budwick · 70-79, M

When you mix more and more stupidity and lies - it doesn't make your story any more believable.
Just more stupid.
@Budwick is the mountain out of a molehill thing where you're going?

Because I find that more appealing and worthwhile to talk about than calling "my story" "stupid."
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Ynotisay · M
Well, this guy works for Jewish organization and while I might be uber-sensitive to this as an atheist, but having lived in Jewish neighborhoods I know that persecution lives at the core. It drives the train. This could have been from the perspective of an American who feels more unsafe today. But it wasn't.
TexChik · F
So a God fearing Patriot is a Christian Nationalist? Libs are Atheist Communists? Always with the labels . 🙄
@TexChik I'm with you on labels being a problem. Probably the most consistent point I've ever made here, and little bo Nazi sheep just happens to be trying to defend labels I doubt she can even begin to comprehend.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Anti-semitism spiked after the Cheeto in Chief came to office.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Longpatrol so did TDS
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Longpatrol It's worldwide - Trump is a symptom, not the disease.
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@BluntSm0ker Really? Do I have to renew my passport?
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@MistyCee If you drive here you don't need a passport, but a good idea to have it if you want to stay.
ron122 · 41-45, M
Democrats have blown Jan 6th out of proportion for political reasons while ignoring the riots that burned cities and killed people. Most people are done with the bullcrap.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@Elessar Typical left-wing response.
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Budwick · 70-79, M
@MistyCee 'The Leader' didn't call for it.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
I cry bullshit...this is propaganda. I don't believe any of it.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@MistyCee I think the author made up the story to create the desired narrative to paint Trump supporters in a particular light. He was not scared. The article is a work of fiction.
@HoraceGreenley Well, the guy does work for JStreet, so I get where he might be politically motivated as well as why he might be uniquely sensitive.

But I saw the shirts he was talking about, and I don't think He made that part up out of whole cloth.

Obviously, he might be duped by false flag Antifa or BLM folks pretending to be Trump Supporters, but if it's part of an overarching Jewish Conspiracy to slander Trump and take over the world, I really kind of doubt he's in on the higher levels of it.

Seems to me, he's freaked out by it, which I can relate to.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@MistyCee If he's genuine then he's a First Class Pussy

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