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Jeremi · 41-45, M
please, honestly, stop attacking this woman for what she believes in.
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Jeremi · 41-45, M
dude, you are preaching to a choir thay is singing a different song. I don't know you or her, personally. I just hate bullies and clearly you are one. I can tell by your long ass responses and needing to explain yourself. I ain't God, I don't care. respectfully agree to disagree and move on. Proverbs 18:2, Proverbs 26:4.
dude, you are preaching to a choir thay is singing a different song. I don't know you or her, personally. I just hate bullies and clearly you are one. I can tell by your long ass responses and needing to explain yourself. I ain't God, I don't care. respectfully agree to disagree and move on. Proverbs 18:2, Proverbs 26:4.
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SomeMichGuy · M
Please, no...
SomeMichGuy · M
@Jeremi I'm not hurt. She and I actually are very close on beliefs.
The events of the past several years have shown how dangerous it is to try to replace the Bible with any human authority. I am merely counseling the OP to frame things more as her views of a complex subject (the meaning of prophecy), and to avoid reposting "yet another youtube video" which shrilly warns us.
In the end, if these things are/are on the verge of happening, none of our machinations will change that ordained timeline a jot or tittle.
But her approach is more likely to turn off people who might otherwise listen,in my view, because demanding people listen, asserting your own view of prophecy is *the* correct view...those are the sorts of "tones" which typically have been turning people away from religion & belief.
I am only counseling her to be more effective by modifying her tone and framing her opinion in these very consequential matters in a fashion which more closely represents the truth: that things she is reading concern her,in that they might be associated with important prophecies, and that *she* believes that they DO speak to the current relevance of the prophecies as a possible foretelling of "world historical events" in our very own lives.
I think she is of GREAT faith and very concerned about others, trying to wzrn them. Good for her! But a shift in presentation would be more effective.
And reading actual scholarship in this area would also help to put current events in a broader context.
I studied theology, so I am not just a typical "guy with an opinion", and we interact in part with specific references to specific Biblical texts.
The events of the past several years have shown how dangerous it is to try to replace the Bible with any human authority. I am merely counseling the OP to frame things more as her views of a complex subject (the meaning of prophecy), and to avoid reposting "yet another youtube video" which shrilly warns us.
In the end, if these things are/are on the verge of happening, none of our machinations will change that ordained timeline a jot or tittle.
But her approach is more likely to turn off people who might otherwise listen,in my view, because demanding people listen, asserting your own view of prophecy is *the* correct view...those are the sorts of "tones" which typically have been turning people away from religion & belief.
I am only counseling her to be more effective by modifying her tone and framing her opinion in these very consequential matters in a fashion which more closely represents the truth: that things she is reading concern her,in that they might be associated with important prophecies, and that *she* believes that they DO speak to the current relevance of the prophecies as a possible foretelling of "world historical events" in our very own lives.
I think she is of GREAT faith and very concerned about others, trying to wzrn them. Good for her! But a shift in presentation would be more effective.
And reading actual scholarship in this area would also help to put current events in a broader context.
I studied theology, so I am not just a typical "guy with an opinion", and we interact in part with specific references to specific Biblical texts.
Carazaa · F
We are not close on beliefs if you don’t know your Bible and can tell the signs and know where we are in history! You are like the 5 virgins who are not ready and did not go to heaven. They thought they had time! They did not have time! The door closed on them!
We are not close on beliefs if you don’t know your Bible and can tell the signs and know where we are in history! You are like the 5 virgins who are not ready and did not go to heaven. They thought they had time! They did not have time! The door closed on them!
@Carazaa I honour and respect you, but there have been so many times throughout the last 2000 years that Christians believed Jesus was about to come back, and he never has. Will you be OK if he doesn't come back in our lifetimes either?
Carazaa · F
@SW-User He proclaims to be a christian and yet rejects what Jesus said, that he will come back in the clouds the same way he went up. Jesus said his feet will touch the Mount of olives.
Carazaa · F
@SW-User Yes time will tell. I just want people to know the truth and be prepared. Jesus said that if we warn people and they reject him, the blood is on them, but if we do not warn people then the blood is on us. I want t be obedient to Christ. If people reject God, oh well. This is not a popularity contest. God says if we are persecuted, great is our reward in heaven.
Carazaa · F
@SW-User Of course I don't know the future. I shouldn't have said 100% but I am quite sure (I changed it) that we are the last generation before he comes in the clouds. I have studied this for 50 years and I wasn't sure 30 years ago. I am quite sure I am not wrong.
Blackie · 51-55, M
Very soon? Probably not as soon as you’d like. Where are his 2 witnesses? Where is the anti-Christ? Christianity is still worshipped openly? What is the great deception? We aren’t as they were in the times of Noah yet. All these things shall come to pass before Jesus takes his place upon the earth. We have a ways to go. IMO
Blackie · 51-55, M
@Carazaa I met a person on here that had that view only she was a Real Whack job. Totally contradicting herself with her actions and becoming nasty. She needed serious help, everybody in the SW community kinda thought she was nuts. At least you’re saying maybe maybe not. Not like that other psycho.