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Are any of you neurodivergent and have difficulty fitting in at work?

I started a new job and ended up in a meeting where I was told that I was essentially wierd and that they didn't like when I worked too hard or made them feel like I could do their job better than them.

lol this happens often to me, so I am trying to figure out where I should work, so that I have something to do.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
No, but I've never fit in at work either. Not on any job, and I've had several.

I've been lucky though to have at least one "work buddy" on every job. You know, a person who helps you get through the job.

I've thought alot about what type of job will fit my personality as well.

I am not antisocial, however I do not enjoy talking as much as other people do, especially when it's about small, unimportant things.

I'm not good in groups. I've been on work "teams" before, and have had people dislike or make fun of me, though indirectly , simply for being myself.

I am seeking a job where I work by myself for the most part. I am also seeking one with a hybrid schedule.

I feel like that would work for me.

What industry do you want to work in?
Avengiline · 22-25, F
@iamnikki unironically, social services
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Avengiline That's not ironic, though I get what you mean. When I was in school, I didn't like telling people that I was interested in Social Work, for that same reason. They think it has to do with being "social" though the word itself relates to the functioning of society.

Edited to add, you should go for it. If you put together a list of wants/don't wants for a job, I'm sure you'll find it.
That's what I did, and it helped to narrow things down for me. I've had several interviews in the past months. I've turned some down. I want what I want and I'm doing what I can to have it.
Onasander · 41-45, M
You can work at NASA
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@QueenandCrown Doing what?
QueenandCrown · 41-45, F
@iamnikki My childhood dream was to become an astronaut..
Nowadays research or consulting
Avengiline · 22-25, F
@Onasander thanks, but they would need some kind of education aspect or recruitment for me to do that
I am. Life gets easier when you decide to not care about what neurotypical people want. Don’t be afraid to be mean, that’s my motto. I would have told them to kick rocks.
Avengiline · 22-25, F
@MorbidCynic I was specifically told not to do that.
@Avengiline by who?
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
You sound like a person who is a hard worker with a good work ethic. Some people never want to rise above the level of mediocrity. I hope you have much success in your future.
TempuraShrimp · 26-30, M
Im not neurodivergent but I don't fit in at work well because im one of the oldest there. im 28 and most i work with are either in highschool or under 25.
I just adjust my work level to be equal to what everyone else is doing, I generally work faster than everyone but I found that it making people uncomfortable so I just slowed myself down, now people are happier with me
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Avengiline · 22-25, F
@wildbill83 lol they complained about me over helping people. lol 😂 they seemed informed enough, but geez that’s a ridiculous thing to complain about

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