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Two weeks notice

Why do we give two weeks notice to jobs that would not give us two weeks notice if they decided to fire us?

Edited to add: One time, I got notice that I was going to be let go. They were really good employers in a small business who couldn't afford to keep all their employees so they gave me good references and about a month's notice. I wish more jobs went like that.
I have been saying this forever. This is the same reason that when I am looking for work, I just use one company's job offer to leverage a higher salary off of the next company. I also tell everyone yes I will work for them and sign all the offer letters only to rip them up and reneg when I finally find the company I want to work at.

Fuck them. You do what is best for you. Nobody else is going to watch your own back but you. Being honest and polite all the time doesn't pay (pun intended).
@wunderluv I don't hold any ill will to any of the companies I leave hanging. Just like Lockheed Martin has to make awful decisions for their bottom line. So do I.
@wunderluv I actually consider layoffs to be a symptom of poor project management. If you are running a company even if times are tight you should manage your business in such a way that you are accommodating the business cycle into your company's future. If it happens that one day you find yourself staff heavy because of a boom then that just means poor management of your business. It is wasteful because now when the boom subsides and then comes back again you have to waste time retraining people rather than just being ready with the same experienced employees from the start. Every time I see a layoff of a large corporation I think of this. Why didn't they plan for the business cycle? They didn't have accurate sales projections? Salaries are a huge expenditure, how could they not have thought this through? It is only MILLIONs of dollars.
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wunderluv · 51-55, M
First of all, in the case of the 2 weeks notice it would be assumed in that case that the employee decides to “move on” to another company or opportunity elsewhere and that there is no job performance issue between employee and company and likely there would be no negative impacts to company operations or morale. In contrast, the case of being fired of laid off a worker may potentially carry out some kind of sabotage within the workplace or by simply being present in the workplace the employee could bring down company morale because naturally people talk and you would likely tell other coworkers about your leaving and that would put a chill into them in regards to their own job security.
Now here I’ve only covered two basic scenarios and I’m sure that you can imagine or have experienced some variation that isn’t what I described. The point is that the boss or HR person has a responsibility and an interest in the optimal running of the company and if an employee can profitably contribute in the workplace until a future agreed date then most empires would go that way after all if the employee does a good job there’s no point in ending their work sooner than later after all the employee is already trained and could perhaps train their replacement before they leave. This would not necessarily be the case if the employee was not a good worker and was being fired for cause or maybe is hopeless in learning the required skills
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@wunderluv you reminded me of something I will edit to add.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
industrial feudalism
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@Amylynne Best answer.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Because that's not how the world works. Companies literally have all the power. You can't go against a multi-million dollar company who literally could just replace you the next day like nothing happened. We are highly insignificant when you look at the bigger picture.
wunderluv · 51-55, M
@HannibalMontanimal companies run as you described will absolutely not thrive nor have a long term future.. for any company these days to last in the long term they must make rational and cost based decisions. Yes, unfortunately favoritism is a very stupid basis to make employee choices and it does happen but when this happens that employer is poisoning their own company culture and again I can tell you that company will either fail or come to be known as a bad company to work for and they will pay in a number of other ways.
Of course don’t take my advice I’ve only been in management positions in several very successful companies and been the confidant/ advisor to decision makers
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
@wunderluv Management and supervisors only do what the higher ups ask them to do. Companies only think about what's best for the company. People have lives outside of work. Not everyone wants to work their life away in a factory doing repetitive work
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Back when I was a truck mechanic I remember one time some other guy quit before me and he gave a two weeks notice and he just got fired right away

I saw that and I just thought when it was my time to move on that "why should I give a two weeks notice after I saw what happened to the last guy who gave one?"

It was totally ridiculous to me that they were mad that I just quit on the spot too. They didn't get it.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
well up until recently employers had all the power -not so much these days - they are taking what they get.

BUT if they find out you quit your job(s) without notice then they consider you a ticking time bomb and subject to leave any day.

fair? no. but it's the nature of things.

what's really funny to me is that I've been with a couple of governmental agencies that require 2 weeks - the "normal" rational for businesses used to be that it would take 2 weeks to advertise your job and get somebody hired.

in reality it takes 3 months or longer some times for the government to get off their butts.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@Pretzel three months? Where do you live, speedy? I work for the government. They've been talking about giving me a sit to stand desk for a year. Every few months someone comes in and measures stuff and says something like, "soon" before fucking off again.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@Doomflower oh and how about...The fiscal year ends in 30 new purchases???

Gotta love em
UpForItNow · 22-25, F
I work in the Australian public service and we have to give two weeks notice. They can make us redundant in a restructure (this has happened to me twice in a 26 year career) though there is a couple of months notice required and a fairly generous payout, at least the first time while your entitlements are intact. The real risk is at a senior management level, where your performance assessment is highly subjective, and you can be effectively dismissed due to a personality conflict or perception.
being · 36-40, F
Once I was going to work by bicycle, i was working in a coffee shop at that time, and fell off the bike. I went to the place, my knees were obviously hurt, so I told them I will take the day off. I went home and later that day the boss called, telling me to pass by to sign the paper about me being fired. What an arshole really. I believe he got afraid I'd ask for some healing related vacation. I did nothing, i just told myself how he's doing me a favour and moved on....
Northwest · M
It's a small world out there, and you don't really wan to burn bridges. Employers call and ask for references, and generally speaking, they don't want to hire someone who will drop an employer on a moment's notice. Also, understand that an employer that pressures you to leave immediately and come join them, will not hesitate to show the door at a moment's notice.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@Northwest excellent points!
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Screw them. They're not giving you any notice or severance pay. Just have another job lined up. Quitting? Walk. Don't worry about your friends there. After a week or so you're forgotten.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
If you showed up with that clown face to give your notice I’d be so busy screaming in fear that I wouldn’t think to negotiate anything!
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔.....I live in a work at will state, so no one has to give notice..........
DDonde · 31-35, M
Cause we're serfs. 🤷‍♂️

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