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Are there any local myths or urban legends where you live?

One story that has always intrigued me is that of the Banshee.
It's said to be a fairy in Irish legend and her scream is believed to be an omen of death. The scream is also called 'caoine' which means 'keening' and is a warning that there will be an imminent death in the family, and as the Irish families have blended over time, it's said that each family has its own Banshee.

She appears as a disembodied spirit in any of these forms.
A beautiful woman in a white dress with long red hair.
A woman in a long silver dress with silver hair.
A headless woman carrying a bowl of blood that is naked from the waist up.

Stories trace back to the 8th century and were based on a tradition where women sang a sorrowful song to lament someone's death. These women were known as 'keeners' and since they accepted alcohol as payment, they were said to be sinners and punished by being doomed to become Banshees.

But not all Banshees are hate-filled creatures; there are some that had strong ties to their families in life and continued to watch over them in death. Many centuries ago, belief in Banshees was more widespread in Ireland and being a disbeliever was said to be blasphemous.
Today, the legend of the Banshee falls into the myth and superstition category so if you are enjoying a night out in Ireland and hear a piercing scream, it is unlikely to be the Banshee offering a warning.
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Richard65 · M
That's a wonderful post. I love Irish folklore. I watched the fabulous Irish animated film directed by Tomm Moore, called 'Song of the Sea' about a selkie. I'm sure you've probably seen it. If not, it's a treat!
smallstone · 36-40, F
@Richard65 Oh yes, Saoirse. The last of the selkies. Lovely film.
Riemelt · 22-25, M
There’s a woods near me called “The Hanging Wood”. There’s a particularly large tree they used back in the 1700’s to hang criminals.

You can imagine the stories. I visited it with some friends once (at night), but we ended up getting sketched out by some local sheep. 10/10, would do it again.
tobynshorty · 51-55, F
We have the Brown Mountain Lights it is said to be the lanterns of slaves going around the mountains.

You can look it up in North Carolina
Convivial · 26-30, F
I think these myths and legends only get around in old civilisation's... Younger ones such as ours haven't had the time to developer them yet... Except for drop bears I suppose🤔
kodiac · 22-25, M
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
In the town I grew up in there was the “Nullarbor Nymph”. A ridiculous movie was made about it. The original story was a woman got drunk and decided to do a naked run by the highway wearing only a kangaroo pelt. Flashing passing cars. Who this lady was changes depending on whose telling the story.😅
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Resurrection Mary haunts Resurrection Cemetery
smallstone · 36-40, F
@Patriot96 Wouldn't like to meet her..!
Grey lady would wonder the grounds in the dark.
The Pendle witches
smallstone · 36-40, F
@Domination61 Yes, I have heard of that one, also the green children of Woolpit.

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