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Love the paranormal

I’ve seen a few things in my time and wonder if I have some sort of connection? Or are they trying to show me things I wonder
The wanted to feature the hotel I am in in Ghost Busters a few times, but the Hotel chain keeps saying no to negative publicity. They do guided tours of the place and the tourguide insists there are ghosts. It looks the the hotel resort from The Shinning. This is a pic from the movie, not the hotel I am at, but pretty similar:

I've been asked by people if this hotel is haunted and I tell them it is, but just by me. The places you would think would be ghost infested is probably just a place I'm using as a break room or a catacomb I explore when I get bored that hasn't been cleaned in over 100 years.

I will say there were some abandoned houses in West Virginia in my teens (41 now), out in the woods, with a 1950s furniture set up, clothes and beds and furniture intact. One looked like someone just vaccumed, but a wall of the multistoey house fell clean off and I could sit on the couch and look out into pure wilderness, and look at the mantle of all the family pictures in black and white. It had standard coal miner income household stuff.

I visited it several years later in a thunder storm and it had collapsed, and was very upset because I needed shelter, but found the basement was still somewhat intact, and entered through a side door. When I entered, I walked half way in, and started to take my shirt off to wring it out, when I felt intense hatred coming from behind me. I recalled it was a fruit celler/coal room, meaning a concrete block room, no windows, just a door, and a metal hatch to the outside for coal deliveries to heat the house. I knew the door was there but never entered.

I stayed frozen in that position for at least a half hour as I felt extreme hatred hitting me. Once the storm subsided I bolted out.

Came back years later and all signs of the house vanished except the top of the bricks to that room. I don't think it was a ghost I sensed but more likely just a opossum or raccoon that was pissed I was trespassing.

I also found a similar coal room in a burned down house. It was owned by a local ban to rock out in, just a play thing to them. In the basement it was empty and unfurnished, but noticed all the bricks were uniformed on all four sides, meaning they were original to the structure, but there was a chiseled hole on the side of one wall, on the bottom, and could see red paint.

I laid down and stuck my head in, and someone built a coal room, with no exit holes, or doors, and painted the room red, while constructing the building, and sealed it in.

I also lived in a old house from the late 19th century, had the attic to myself. The neighbor was a really old armenian woman and her 65 year old son. She died. He continued to live there. Attic had windows facing the attic in his house. He wasn't seen for a while. Eventually the found him dead, handing in that attic in the center, and I saw something there but never really peered over to notice.

When I was a little kid out in california, I remmeber visiting my 16 year old nieces house. I was crawling around on the floor as they played poker, and started eating catfood. I was found out, and brought to bed in the next room. I laid there arms and head above the sheets, like I normally did, looking in the dark at the entertainment center to the left side of the bed. The underneath crack of the hallway door was infront of me. I eventually noticed a hand go by, right to left, and then it passed infront of the door, and rounded the bed corner, and passed between the bed and entertainment center, then turned around and went back that way, then repeated this a few times. It was green, slimy, and existed only from the elbow up.

I hid under the blanket, and made a little peep hole tunnel in the blanket to peer through.

I eventually got brave enough to get up out of the blanket, stand on the bed when it passed by, and jump screaming at the door and ran out into the hallway.

Later on, another day, I was brought down into my aunt's room in a unfinished basement. It had a felix the cat clock on the wall. My mother slept, and I looked at the clock for a hour. Then I saw eyes appearing in the corners of the bricks. A few dozen of them.

For the longest time I couldn't explain that house, and into my late teens I would sleep under my blankets, and was afraid to leave a limb over the bed incase that arm grabbed it. I would also sit on toilets with my feet planted on them- because there was something in that house that touched by butt while I was on a toilet but I suppressed that memory at some point in my teens- but refused till I was almost a adult to sit properly on the toilet.

I have now pretty much decided I was exposed to some weird ass drugs as a toddler in that house as that sort of stuff only happened there, and it was the 80s.
Sterler45 · 36-40, M
There is something out there. I’ve seen things too
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@Sterler45 like what? Do share
kutee · T
wheni used ot drink alot i saw things all the time, but was it real or my brain was so fuddled i couldnt see rigth
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@kutee that was the alcohol
kutee · T
@Donotfolowme exactly, sadly i think there is nothing out there
What’s to love? Zero evidence.

If it’s not science, it’s superstition.
kutee · T
@BlueSkyKing love it
Allelse · 36-40, M
House I grew up in had a poltergeist.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
You love? I am scared of paranormal
What happ with you though
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Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@Thodsis Did you hurt her feelings or was it pure seduction?
Thodsis · 51-55, M
@Donotfolowme I might find out in the many options of life after death....

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