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Is there any explanation as to why some people see demons/flames while on their deathbed?

Lately, I’ve been having terrible anxiety about Hell and have zero peace of mind, as I find conflicting answers everywhere. I’m talking about feeling scared and thinking about it from the time I wake up, to the time I go to bed and I haven’t been sleeping good at all because of it. I am not a Christian, but I have fallen down the rabbit hole of what they believe.

I have read some things about people on their deathbeds seeing demons, feeling fire and screaming things like "Please don’t let them take me!" And "It's so hot! The fire is so hot!" Until they die and this has left me terrified of death, to the point where I can't even focus on enjoying life.

These were just random comments on a video of a hospice nurse talking about deathbed visions that were positive. The hospice nurse was saying that she never saw people screaming about Hell, but people in the comments were talking about experiences that they've witnessed and that she was wrong to tell people that this never happens. These were actually under a Hospice Julie video.

Normally, I would think that people were having these experiences because they believe that they would. But I’ve read NDE stories and deathbed stories about people seeing things/beings that didn’t line up with their religion or beliefs at all, so it’s kinda hard to deny that Hell exists when there are stories and evidence like that out there and it brings me so much anxiety about death and what would even qualify as bad enough to go to Hell.

My brain just keeps telling me that things like spirits of loved ones giving messages through mediums or positive NDEs, or anything positive about the other side that isn’t Biblical, is all just deception/illusions from the enemy, because of what Christians say.. Is there any explanation as to why this happens besides it being their beliefs? Because There’s some evidence out there from what I’ve read and belief doesn’t always play a part in things like these..
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Please taken to consideration that the Bible says that God shall keep us in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Jesus, instead of listening to all the lies and false claims this world will make. We can always feel safe, because we know Jesus will always tell us the truth. He is trustworthy and cannot lie. There's only one place to find comfort, peace, and Truth, and that is by abiding with Jesus. Jesus warns us for our own sake, not to listen to mediums or things about witchcraft. There's no astral planes that we need to be delving into because Jesus said not to do that. If anyone knows what the truth is, it would be Jesus. Only people who have no idea who Christ is and why he came, will tell you to delve into those things, but those things do not get us to heaven. Jesus, as mediator between God and man, is the one that can save us and he was appointed by God himself, to be trustworthy to be our Savior. He will never lie to us. I accepted Jesus as my Savior 52 years ago, and I can tell you that he has never let me down. He's totally trustworthy. I have never once been disappointed in him. He is the best friend I have ever had and the world has ever had. Some just don't realize it.

We must always tell ourselves the truth, and the truth is found in Jesus. What does He say in His Word?

"I have not come to condemn the world, but to save it." John 3:17

Jesus wants us to rest in him, not to fear. Fear comes from the enemy, Satan. Jesus is on our side and only wants to love us and help us.

Jesus doesn't want to hurt us. He came only to save our soul and he said if we come to him and ask for forgiveness of our sins he is more than willing to save us and he forgives our sins and remembers them no more! Thank God that our salvation has nothing to do with our performance here on Earth. It has nothing to do with earning our way to heaven. We never have to "earn" God's favor, because he already loves us, more than words could ever say. When he forgives us of our sins, upon our request, he also gives us eternal life in heaven. "Eternal" means just that! We will live with Jesus and God in heaven, forever and ever. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Our promise of heaven is not determined by what we did or did not do. It is determined by the keeping of God's promise to save our soul when we invite him into our heart and life as Savior, and He never breaks a promise.

If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to private message me and I will help guide you through this and get you through this. Refuse to listen to all the other lies this world tries to feed us. Trust in Jesus and He will keep your heart and mind in perfect peace.

Jesus's promises have nothing to do with what you have or have not done in your life. They have everything to do with Jesus' death on the cross to pay for our sins and his promise to save our souls from the condemnation that sin placed on us. Jesus turns no one away. He loves us forever. He proved that on the cross. Please lay down and sleep in peace, knowing that the God of this universe does not condemn you, but loves you with all his heart.... And that no matter how many times we mess up, God will never leave us.
Believe whatever you want, but know that the brain is an insanely powerful thing and subconsciously does things you consciously don't want to deal with or would never wish upon yourself. Just like you produce saliva when thinking of sour lemon, subconsciously is 1047648393664% more powerful. It filters the world around you with the thoughts you have daily and after a while of repetitions, it manifests it. (because to it, it's only natural to be this way, bc you tell it to doesn't know to tell bad from good, as it's a tool) and unfortunately negative thoughts are more powerful that positive, because, evolutionary, they were the ones that saved us from dying (ex. omg lion, run, and there isn't a lion in the bush, but it mightve been a leopard, and ur ancestors survived)
Fears and unresolved issues play a role (may I add HUGE ROLE) in it. Mind limitations etc.

So, that being said, we live in a world inside our heads FIRST, then everything else. And most of the world In our heads is produced by external stimulus.

Now you can believe in Gods, astral planes, traveling, multiverses and all theories that there are about this weird and unusual plane we are on, but it's VERY possible people that see hell and whatnot on their deathbeds could be just subconscious fears they've seen thought their entire lives. Or actual physical body function (not all people pass the same way) and the brain only finds a suitable explanation to show you (much like you're dreaming of snow ig you're cold when sleeping).

My two cents.

And btw, you seem to have an obsessive personality of sorts where you feed your fears. I would suggest dropping the topic and moving onto something better and more positive, so you can get the quality of your life back.
Hellokitty212 · 31-35, F
@greensnacks I most certainly have obsessive anxiety and I can usually get over an obsession if I ignore it, but this topic feels so scary to just ignore.

I feel like I'm just looking away from what could be my future eternity.

I know worrying about it doesn't help at all, but I don't know how else to react to this.

And before anyone asks, no, I do not have religious trauma. I made the mistake of going down the Christian rabbit hole, all because I saw a video of a woman on TikTok, talking about how she was a former medium who turned Christian because she figured out that the spirits that communicate with us are demons/familiar spirits and they impersonate our loved ones to lead us astray from God/religion..
@Hellokitty212 it's only your obsessive mind talking to you. Trying to access any possible dangers in the future and overly working.

But the thing is, even if that's the case, wouldn't you want to have a peaceful life while here? It's like worrying about dying. It's gonna happen, live while you can. Im sure you're a good person and don't actively hurt others. Don't hurt others, live a quality life and do good if you can. It's what's life is about.
And even if this God you fear so much is like that(which I don't wanna go to I whole religious talk, bc every religion speaks more or less the same because Its a social construct) he will see you had a good life and shouldn't care about if you went to church or not.

Instead of watching "mediums" that talk about that and then converting (people that are highly obsessive will go from obsessively following the occult to other religions fast because they're obsessive like that) I'd suggested learning first about anthropology, religion historicaly speaking,( how and why they were developed), (during hunter gathering tribes didn't need much law and order and their gods were closely tied to nature/pagans/ earth god, wind god etc) later on as we developed more complex societies, we needed law. There we see the emerging of more religions that are scary /he will punish you if you steal from my copious amounts of wheat and rice and ig you do this and that-mostly stuff the society considered bad).

And then learn about religions and hear scientists talk about it. I recently heard a really good sentence from Neil DeGrasse how he said people just make up Gods for what they can't explain, and that's fine. Before we couldn't explain fire, we had a god that made fire and thunder etc.

Just know yourself and know you're obsessive like that and deep dive into stuff that will work for you. Do the research on religions and learn more.
Don't believe people on tiktok or wherever only, learn from multiple sources, check, triple check and make your own conclusions
Good luck.
HikingMan · 51-55, M
Almost all anxiety comes from unhealed trauma in a person's childhood.
Anxiety is tricky though and manifests itself in forms the waking mind can worry about.

My guess is that there's something from your past that lives and breathes inside of your unconscious mind and your waking, conscious mind has manifested it into this fear of a hell that you don't really believe in.

I'm not a therapist, but in trying to get a grip on my anxieties and fears I have read a lot of books of the self help type and they all lean in the direction I'm pointing you in.

Be well
Live happy
Keep trying,
Greyjedi · M
They are raised in a way to believe there is nothing but evil in the world. After most of their lives have come and gone they have a terrifying outlook on the world and this mean they have a terrifying outlook on what might come next. For lay people, basically, if you are raised to believe in demons and hell and you do not dismiss it, that’s what you will because that’s the story you and your family said for your life. And if someone is Christian and devoted and see hell it is because they feel they weren’t good enough even being Christian. Since they have heard the story of hell so long their feelings of not doing or being enough mean they feel they are going to hell.

My spiritual teacher does not talk of hell but she occasionally speaks demons. “Demons are the negative aspects of our selves.” Unless we raise our vibrations reflect and become better beings demons will always be there, but we have the power to purify them. I have heard other spiritual teachers say hell is very real, eternal but not as scary as what religions say. Because, it is the very planet apon which we live. Earth is hell. We will always come come back to it. We live. We die. We spend some time in spirit school, then we are born to families on this planet Earth again. If like me your life has been very challenging, that’s pretty scary having to come back here over and over all the time. If we raise our vibration, reflect and more often than not choice kindness, sensitivity, compassion over their opposites will don’t have to come to comeback after we’ve died and we might just make Earth a heaven of sorts.

I have learned in recent years demonology rose Jews and Christians being bigoted against the the gods other religions. Now of course some gods deserved it, like Ancient Greece’s Zeus and exclusive war deities and some Aztec and Mayan gods. The typical shape of a classic Jewish/Christia demon comes from some odd looking Druinic deities. You know, tails and horns maybe wings. If, as our ancient ancestors believed, these things existed then in many ways it would have been the oldest form of racism. My point is demons were commonly made out of older gods and the gods of other religions to legitimize new reign. As for hell, what little I know about Mayan and ancient Egyptian mythology is that while hell was unpleasant it was also the path to heaven. If these dying people really did see something (unlikely) maybe it was an ugly god wishing to pay homage to a person’s life lived pretty well, and they will guide their soul past unpleasant “hell”.

What I have heard about out of body experience is that they reflect the beliefs, attitudes, wonders and worries of the people who have them. In short if you believe in hell, worry about hell thats where you are going. If you don’t worry about it you won’t go. If you want to experience “Hell” keep posting this kind of thing.
From what little ive heard from hospice nurses, every death is different.

But people, thr closer they get to death, become more and more their core personality.
This can be wonderful, but it can also be really awful.

Those that carry negative traits such as guilt, anger, revenge, selfishness, etc.... panic towards the end. Their reality all comes home to roost in their final moments.

So i wonder if what you saw relates to this🤔

Some people experience the complete opposite: white light, a gentle guiding spirit, they feel in awe and enveloped by limitless love.

Some people have died and had niether of these experiences. Some enter a realm of learning, or experience other dimensional beings and are guided back with a greater love for this life.

So its hard to say .

I suppose death is the most personal experience of all🤷‍♀
pride49 · 31-35, M
@OogieBoogie i wish for glorious reincarnation as a monster spider in a fantasy world. Since its what i want my subconsious sure as hell better fall in line 👿
All that is not just Christian beliefs. These are beliefs that God tells us are right, in His Word, and that is why Christians follow Christ, because they know he does not lie when he says that He is the way, the truth, and the life. The truth that we find in Jesus, sets us free. We either believe Christ or we don't. But he cannot lie. He is perfect and sinless. That is why God shows him to be Savior of the world. Christ is not our enemy. He is our rescuer. Our only hope in a world full of sin. The Bible says that Satan is the liar, so we don't want to listen to what he tries to feed us and even use to speak to us through other people who don't even know the way. We cannot trust their way but we can always trust Jesus to tell us the truth and to love us.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
Hey, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I felt the exact same thing for a good 3 months about 13 years ago. Couldn't even talk and didn't know how to put it in words. How long have you been feeling like this?
Hellokitty212 · 31-35, F
@nobodyishome It started in August of last year, it but got drastically worse in December.. I didn't even enjoy Christmas because Hell was all I could think about. How'd you get over your fear, when there's evidence out there for hell? I'd love to know, because this feeling is awful. I never have a moment of peace of mind.
Punches · 46-50, F
If heaven and hell do exist, we are not going to be given any evidence in this life.
No, they are kept hidden away until someone is de4d.

There are videos about this fear on youtube and such. Some people are trying to get over the fear of h3ll, it is sometimes called "deconstruction".

One thing about this channel I posted below - there are different videos about deconstructiong religion etc, but here is one video of hers about getting over "h3ll anxiety".
She is atheist, ex christian.

BTW, pardon the use of 3's and 4's in certain words, but with censorship so heavy on here, I am not sure what words cause a post to be hidden.

Anyways -

Ynotisay · M
Hell is a human construct designed to control behavior through fear.
There is no hell. The supernatural is a myth.
And allowing yourself to feel stress and anxiety around it is totally unnecessary and detrimental.
So maybe you should ask yourself if you're on board with a religion that would be responsible for those kinds of feelings.
Good luck.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Your worried about hell when your gonna die .
Your in hell on earth thinking about it now
There's this woman ,a saint ,her name is St Faustino. Look her up cause she have a prayer that helps when your thinking about that .
St Faustina got the gift from Christ to go to hell to see that it exists . She says on her book that it's not a nice place .
I was like you .
Why and how ?
I was listening to people that were on about it all the time and I had let go cause I couldn't handle it myself ,just like you .
If your religious of any kind and the teaching of religious orders " (well most of them)" teaches you about love and when I found out about that they world isn't such a scary place .
Do you know what's frightening you the most ?
I bet you never get it .
Your own mind
Once you see the thoughts and leave them passing (with practice ) You have control over you instead your letting your mind having control over you .
That's what's frightening you 😊😊😊
Hell fire and demons is an unfortunate reason to want to know God
Besides, going to hell immediately upon death isn't even biblical. It was a tool used by the Catholic Church, back in the day, to keep people going to church and paying them money. Protestant churches held onto the belief in eternal punishment, adapting it to their theology of salvation and grace. Seems that using vivid imagery of hellfire to evoke fear, repentance, and conversion is a very effective way of keeping people in the church.

so why do they see these things upon death? their own beliefs deeply impeded in their minds and little chemical called DMT that the body produces at teh time of death.

God is a God of love. Anyone teaching you doctrine that goes against this doesn't know any better.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
According to the Tibetans, it is anger and hate that put you in a Hell Realm, actions that set you apart from others. If you think about my generation, the Baby Boomers, a lot of us died in WWII. Not all of us were innocent civilians. Some of us were German and Japanese and Italian soldiers who died protecting our country and families and friends and neighbors even if our leaders were wrong. And nothing is forever. Not even Heaven or Hell.
@hunkalove my grandfather at his last moments saw some soldiers that were trying shoot him or something, he was afraid (he was a military person) after that his relatives came to pick him up.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Hell is real. But the way to be saved from Hell ( and yeah thats what Jesus actually saves people from ) is to believe Jesus ( His Teachings ) and to trust that The death of Jesus on the cross was a sacrafice offering that atoned for all the sins of anyone who will believe Him and trust that His atonement saves them..

The good news ( Gospel ) is pretty simple down at it's salvational core.. It is easy to be saved.. Easier then drinking water.. But sadly millions of people reject the LORD Jesus and in doing so cement their eternal torment in the eternal alke of fire..
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
They have guilt issues.

And Christianity pushes guilt to force compliance.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Hell is fiction
pride49 · 31-35, M
I dream about running like hell through a train half submerged underwater to escape a nuclear blast 🤷🏼

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