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When I see someone beautiful, and I admire their beauty I can't help but look and look some more, okay okay I stare!

I've done this with the girl with the perfect lilac purple hair, I absolutely loved that color on her it was perfect, I was so attracted to her hair color I could help but to stare!

Then there was this extremely beautiful woman, not many people are that beautiful I didn't stare but I looked over a few times, she told her friend that I was jealous! I was admiring her rare beauty I didn't feel jealous at all...

Then my youngest cousin who dyes her hair all sorts of colors, my two favorites were her second last color kindof a pinkish orange color it was bright and vibrant and went well with her pale skin, then she died her hair a nice ashy bleach blonde! I didn't know you could get that color after dying your hair every color in the rainbow!! It was sooo pretty on her! She too said I was jealous, which I was not I just admired the color of her hair and her finger nail polish was also my favorite!

So because these women have some of my favorite colors or things, and I admire them does not mean that I am jealous. I simply admire them!
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WillaKissing · 56-60, M
This is How a feel about admiring women and how I choose to dress, and I hear the same thing that I am jealous or gay or bi and I am none of those things, just simply a pure hearted admirer.
saintsong · 41-45, F
@WillaKissing I know right?!
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@saintsong Yes, you are right!💓
Pambie · 22-25, F
Yes, I'm the same. I'll just stare and stare, and I won't care whether they notice or not (and in most instances when they did notice, they seemed to be flattered).
Pfuzylogic · M
It takes a more emotionally mature person to understand a person’s admiration without any jealousy attached!
Gmoney601 · 36-40, F
Not a bad thing to admire ones beauty
Greyjedi · M
Who doesn’t stare sometimes?

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