Question for Asian men but specifically Japanese men: [I Like Asian Men]Would you like a ginger woman shoving her big freckled boobs in your face? Would you want to impregnate her and have tons of sheleilegh wielding samurai descendants?
I Think Asian Men Are AttractiveI think Asian guys are hot, just like guys of any other race or ethnicity--there are hot dudes, OK dudes, not so OK, unattractive. And "attractive" can mean a lot of different things--looks, attitude, charisma, interests, etc. I don't get the flack... See More ยป
I Love Asian MenI have a mixed view on Asians. I'm kind of scared of Asian women, especially ones with long straight hair ever since I have watched the horror movie "The Grudge" and I'm into Asian men after I have watched a K-drama, "Playful kisses". So.... ;-)