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I Am An Atheist

I am an atheist and a ex Christian.
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ANewCovenant · 56-60, M
"18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us." (1 John 2:18-19)

I'm sorry Sir.....but no, you were never a genuine Christian. Genuine Christians are Spirit-born and have one direction in life, which is towards God, compelled by a heart established in grace. They're will is to follow after Jesus Christ, and to become like Him .....there are many, many today who profess to be genuine though.....they are the empty cans that make the most noise in "Christian circles." Jesus isn't even in their top ten list. Sadly, He gets mentioned once in a while, but rates with them, somewhere behind gun rights, abortion wars, political dominions, love of wealth, and having "sword fights" with non believers over everything.

"17 Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. 18 For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things." (Philippians 3:17-19)

Real Christians can be found though.....they have a heart of compassion for the lost, the least and the last. They truly love someone like you and Mr. Pikachu down below.....I'm one of them and would be happy to talk with you....but I won't debate. Jesus came to His own and His own rejected Him....He didn't impose Himself, nor will I.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
The way you guys are similar is the fact that you both can’t fathom the possibility that you’re wrong.
There have been Christians who converted to Islam also. I know you will say but they’re not true Christians just like my musilim friend will say the people you are talking about were never true musilims.
Those are not questions for an atheist but for a scientist. If you want to know how the human body came to exists you need to ask a scientist and not me.
I will tell you upfront you can ask me a lot of questions that I won’t know the answer too. That doesn’t prove a god exists. It just proves there is a lot I don’t know. I’m not a scientist. Feel free to ask me any question you like about atheism.
Now I would still like an answer to my question. Why should I care what the Bible says? And if the answer is because it’s the word of god then my next question is how do you know that?
ANewCovenant · 56-60, M
@Bandit2398 Here's the problem with Muslims claiming Christians became Muslims and vice versa-

When a person is born of the Spirit of God (becoming saved), they ARE true believers because they have been sealed for the day of redemption by the indwelling Spirit of God Himself. There's just too much scripture to put here, but Ill spare you since you don't believe scripture anyways. Muslims on the other hand can only believe in what their Koran teaches, nothing more. Allah is not a personal god. He's just someone the Muslims worship from afar and try to please. Thus when a person says they were a Christian and left to become of another belief, scripture is stacked regarding their never having been born of the Spirit in the first place. And that is because God, the Father is jealous for the Spirit He puts in a person, that He saved them, sanctifies them, justifies them, thus the true, Spirit born believer would never want to leave Him because they have found that Christ "has the words of eternal life, where else shall we go." .....everyone is spiritually dead because of sin. The reason Muslims can come to Christ is because they have found life in Him and become born of His Spirit. Their hearts are drawn to the One who created them for Himself. The Muslim who says that their fellow Muslim was never a true believer is without warrant because there is no life of God in that religion to keep their hearts there.

I don't want to know how the human body came to be what it is. I was asking you what your understanding of that was. You don't need to be a scientist to answer what your understanding is. However, if your answer is that you don't know, I respect that.....however I will further ask this.... you know that there are literally millions and millions of people out there who strongly believe in the One true living God who would die (and many have) for their belief that there is an afterlife in which people are separated by their righteousness in Christ or by their desire to not bow to Him.....with possibly your very existence, now and eternally on the line, wouldn't you want someone in the science world to figure it out pretty quickly so you have your answers before you leave this life? Science has walked so many people to the edge of forever and left them there with no concrete answers, but instead, waterless theories, to the most essentials of life..... that nothing became everything, that that nothing produced life, and that humans came from monkeys.

I believe I have answered your question as to why you should care what the bible says. And I did tell you that I believe because I have experienced God in my life and heart. As has many, many who have been transformed. If you are interested in seeing radically changed people, visit the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, a large gospel outfit made up of former drug and porn addicts, prostitutes and other destructive vices....I know you don't believe what the bible says, so let's examine the book itself. To do this, I will send you an older article I wrote a few years back in your personal mail, as it is rather lengthy. Most likely I will post it on the public forum so that others can read it.... and probably laugh at it...., but maybe, someone will care.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
You gave me too much to respond too. But to be fair I asked a question and you felt a very long response was necessary. My understand of how the human body came to exists is through the theory of evolution. But again this question has nothing to do with atheism and everything to do with science. I know religions have made up false answers to this question so it’s fine to discuss it.
You tell me you have experienced god. Ok, that’s fine but I have no way to confirm your experiences and no way to fact check them so they don’t convince me of anything. There are also people who claim they experience Bigfoot. Maybe they have but most people haven’t so I doubt it..
And I am not laughing at you. @ANewCovenant
helenS · 36-40, F
What made you lose your religion? Has there been a specific event or experience, or did it just "happen"?
Is there anything in your life that has replaced faith?
helenS · 36-40, F
@Bandit2398 Oh yes it is, but it's not only that. Could you try for a while to see yourself as someone who is searching God? And did not find him yet?
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
@helenS Well in order to search for god I would first have to know he exists
helenS · 36-40, F
@Bandit2398 No. You would have to do it at your own risk. There may be nothing. There may be only the infinite void of the universe, and no god.
It's about searching, not about finding.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
well I lost my religion basically because I learned too much about the bible
badgay · 36-40, F

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