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Not only Nessie

Scotland, being Scotland, has more than the one mysterious creature. As well as Nessie, we have the lesser-known but equally mysterious Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui (Am Fear Liath Mòr). Like Nessie, always doubted until sighted, and then firmly believed.

Our answer to Bigfoot or the Yeti - a creature of the mists.
Fascinating .
I’ve never heard of it but I’m fascinated 😀
helensusanswift · 26-30, F
@SW-User It's not well known, except to people who have seen it. I have never seen it!
@helensusanswift I was just reading up on it online. I love a good mystery and folklore 😊
ElRengo · 70-79, M
And there are Ex´es!😀
Not only in scotland, of course.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
There are always scavengers around predators.
But if money was the main thing to loose.....
helensusanswift · 26-30, F
@ElRengo Good point
ElRengo · 70-79, M
meggie · F
Also Alistair Crowley used to live on the banks of Loch Ness
helensusanswift · 26-30, F
@meggie He did - and after he left, after 13 years, in 1913, sightings of the monster increased, in the area between his house and Urquhart castle. So many mysteries in the second deepest loch in Scotland.
meggie · F
@helensusanswift years ago i camped at Loch Ness and has to move during the night as there was strange things happening
helensusanswift · 26-30, F
@meggie I am not surprised. It is a strange place, for whose who have the ability to sense atmosphere. It is a gift, a power, a curse, call it what you will, that modern society seems to have discarded. Yet it exists in some.
pikminboy · 26-30, M
nessie in my opinion always been fake. it all come from the 1933's faked picture
helensusanswift · 26-30, F
@pikminboy She was first mentioned in the 6th century and at various times since, in different guises. In the 19th century she was known as the Loch Ness Shark, and before that there were stories of strange things in the loch, even tales of sacrifices to Nessa, a god after whom the loch was named. The 1930s picture only bled into the very old stories. Many scientists have probed the loch without any definite proof either way, but there's no smoke without fire; these old legends usually have a basis in truth - how much time did you spend at the loch before you reached your conclusion?
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I could swear you have posted this here before
helensusanswift · 26-30, F
@DearAmbellina2113 Afraid not. My first time with the Grey Man.
And Scotland is where the legend of Sawney Bean hails from. 😱
helensusanswift · 26-30, F
@Nihiless It is - not to mention Burke and Hare and the author of Jekyll and Hyde- and Sherlock Holmes. We have an association with the macabre.

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