fact of the dayzoo doctors refuse to work on grizzly bears unless they're heavily sedated. proves there's safety in numb bears
Incredible turtles at a jetty Sorry for the clarity of the photos, they come to the surface and disappear so fast and I could not take a proper shot of these majestic animals standing 10m above water on the jetty. I could watch them all day having fun. (4)
Rare Golden tigresses Ava and Luna lie in a cage at Chiang Mai Night Safari, in Chiang Mai province, Thailand (1)
Ha! One Of That Fat Squirrels Saw Me Take The Trash To The Garbage Can…It jumped up into the tree to hide from me. I came back outside with a container of fancy bird seed (fruit & nuts & shelled sunflower seeds) and shook it to make noise. The squirrel was back in the bird feeder eating what was left and I walked over... See More »
Do you ever wonder what it must be like for a wild animal?Waking up cold and hungry. Trying to find food without becoming something else’s food. Ending the day trying to find a safe sheltered place to sleep. Suddenly that commute doesn’t seem so bad.