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Is there an animal or other creature you're afraid of?

I’m not scared of dogs but the idea of fearing them does not seem that strange to me. Dogs do have large teeth and if Rocco wanted to he could easily do lots of harm even though he's a huge puppy at five years old. He does love people.
Being scared of a German Shepherd makes more sense than the fear I have for the harmless little spiders in my home, but when a closed door is not enough to keep the fear at bay, the fear begins to seem rather more irrational, like the fear my son in law has for high places, even with a sturdy fence as protection. Extreme fear of dogs is called cynophobia and it' quite common, although not as common as fear of snakes or spiders. And it is quite debilitating considering the number of dogs one can find in most inhabited areas. Well, at least those who fear large dogs with scary teeth always have the comfort of being less silly in their fear than those of us who are scared of tiny vulnerable creatures, just because they happen to have 8 legs.
I'm afraid of people.
Anything else in the animal kingdom is fine.
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@robingoodfellow I can relate to that completely!
WillaKissing · 56-60
Large dogs can be scary when out in rural areas like where I live on my forestry farm. Mine are two Rottweilers Fritz at 130 pounds and Clous at 120 pounds, then there is the scaredy-cat mixed breed at about 40 pounds that was dropped here with her litter mates I adopted out at 7 weeks old. She "Bobbi" stands between the two protectors barking all brave and such but will break and run if threatened. Not Fritz the dominant eldest dog and at 130 pounds please be careful not to set off his protective instincts.

Hell, the owner is meaner by far in reality, LOL.
Clous and Bobbi
Fritz and his buddy my daughter miniature Dachshund Eli. Eli feared nothing with his bodyguard Fritz around.
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@WillaKissing So gorgeous!
Im not scared of animals. But im cautious and respectful. That said, if i was thrown into a pen with a rhino or lion or even an elephant (my fave animal) id definitely be on edge

I LOVE dogs but something i find annoying is how many dog owners dont understand other people are scared of them. It really bothers me when people leave their dogs out front when someone has to come to their door to drop off a package. Imagine beinf a ups driver with a fear of dogs and a big one chases you, whether our of territorial aggresion or friendly stranger excitement
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@TeamSkullGrunt I agree totally. I always keep Rocco on his leash if other dogs and their owners are around. I try to find a quiet area for him to roam free a while. He's s great with people and kids as he's been brought in that kind of environment but I still wish parents took care in not leaving their children alone with any animal, it could be asking for trouble because some kids torment.
greensnacks · 31-35, F
He's adorable.
Do I fear any animals? Probably large predators or herbivores if I'm in their territory unarmed. Even armed lol.
Also snakes and anything venomous.
And sharks lol.
But do I have crippling fear from them? No, I think it's just rational. I do love all animals tho

Last but not least, the scariest animal out there and the one I fear the most =human.
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@greensnacks Yes, humans are the most terrifying species on earth.
fun4us2b · M
Growing up, my neighbor had scary German Shepherds that barked and carried on when you walked even now as a dog lover, I'm still very leery of them.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@GrannyWeatherwax only things that really bother me are insects and that are wasps . thought i hate them coming near me me i would not hurt one
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@smiler2012 me too.
WillaKissing · 56-60
Beautiful Boy you have!

Sharks damn it, I cannot see them when swimming even in the swimming pool or pond I have! LOL
for those who think cats are cuddly and cute
think again...
GrannyWeatherwax · 61-69, FNew
@beermeplease Beautiful!
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
I prefer not being anywhere near Snakes 🙂
SSDecontrol · 56-60, M
What a cutie. I had a golden retriever/shepherd mix
TheFragile · 46-50, M
Bats. I am terrified of them.
Sapio · 51-55, M

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