I don't throw my old shoes away because I remember where I've walked in them, what I've ran from in them and where I've took them off
Some people take themselves so seriously, I can't take people seriously.We all burp, shit, fart and scratch our legs together in our sleep. And if you like hurting people and feel superior your nothing but a little miniture person jumping up and down, grunting with steam coming out your ears
Am I weird for doing this guys and girls?I'm not a people's person but I have some friends and usually know how to avoid conflict. So on here I'll create an account where I'm vulnerable and confused, see who attacks then avoid them on this one. In real life I just make friends with people... See More »
Ladies and gents, from now I will reply to all and heart all.You make the site what it is and I enjoy coming on here for an escape. The only people I will ignore are asshats that aren't worth my time and that is pretty rare.
Now then... Fellow misanthropes, Nihilist's, outcasts and people who think society sucks.Society... The thing that protects them, controls them, cages them, lies to them, chooses what they believe and alters their minds from the day they are born- this is your average person. I want to change the World, I know I will almost certainly... See More »
Is the 'right' side really the bright side?Not for you it isn't, just the ones controlling you, taking your freedom, lying to you, 'looking after you', keeping you safe.