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This profile may contain Adult content.
26-30, M
There is a crack in everything, that‘s how the light gets in.
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22-25, F
Thank you, but I don't discuss not child-friendly stuff
Better lol 🤭
18-21, F
You too 😉
22-25, F
Happy Birthday
22-25, F
Happy Birthday
36-40, F
Danke. I don't think we have 🙂
22-25, F
I don't know what that is but this is one of the puppies on our farm!
22-25, F
I am not sure what you would like. These are the flowers that bloom each May in my garden and smell so sweet.
22-25, F
Yes. I enjoy chatting. And thank you.
46-50, F
Here hit yourself in the head with a real one.
31-35, F
I hope you like potatoes. You can make chips out of them. :)
Thanks cheers
I usually try what I can. I'm going through a weird episode with my medications and stuff. Be safe xD
Merry Xmas hope you had a good one too. Mine was kinda busy
Kinky. I'm managing life as always tends to get boring most of the time xD but hey my new treatment is working at least :p
Hope you re well too ❤️
It's all good. I love cats btw :p Thanks for your understanding it's more than appreciated especially in a time like this for me. Talk to me I'll be around be safe 😎
Hey. Thanks for the gift. I'm going through hard episodes lately so I'm not often around. Hope you're well take care
Happy Birthday 😎
Danke. Frohe Weihnachten :)
26-30, F
Hey there, up to talk about what ever is on your mind.
Merry Christmas Ernest!