What's something you were good at as a kid? And how good are you at it rn?I feel anxious whenever I listen to a piano performance. I used to play the piano. Did it for 13 years. Never got to a professional level, but I could play quite complex pieces. For years, what pushed me to get better was the prospect of being better... See More ยป
What do you usually wish people when you tell them happy birthday?I generally wish them joy in their lives. I know I'm not that original.
If you married a muslim person, (s)he didn't eat pork and (s)he didn't want you to eat it either, what would u do?
If your parents gave you a $1000 allowance per week, would you even go to college or try to get a career?
Is it bad for your health if you lived your whole life in a cold area up north and then moved souther where people don't even get winters?And vice versa, from hot to cold?
If Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland declared war on each other, who would win? Poll (19) See Poll Options