Spinal cord contusion updateAs pretty many of people keep asking me in dm how my friend is doing, I'll answer about it in separate post. As for now Julia is doing fine, she's almost as cheerful and outgoing now as she was before her injury and I'm glad to see it. I visit her... See More »
Spinal cord contusionA good acquaintance of mine, 22 years old, had an injury a year and a half ago; the spinal cord wasn't severed, only a contusion. She still has almost no feeling in her legs and has to move around in a wheelchair, she can't even sit up on her own... See More »
Should I go bald again? Poll (24) See Poll OptionsThinking about shaving my head bald again. Now I have about 4 inches long hair now. What do you think should I go bald and start from zero again?
Which bald female singers do you know?Which bald female singers do you know (constantly bald or who once shaved their head)? I know a few, but I think there are more of them. And who, in your opinion, would look good with no hair?
Are there girls here who have lost all their teeth at a young age like me? I would like to discuss a toothless life ...
Suggestions about stage imageI am planning to start my own music project soon. It will be something like acoustic rock. I am thinking about my stage image. Please suggest something if you have some interesting ideas.
Do girls with lisp annoy you? Poll (10) See Poll OptionsMy bf got used that I lisp badly and can't speak properly, sometimes I even write instead of talking. He even thinks it's cute. But some people get... See More »
Should I keep my head shaved? Poll (30) See Poll OptionsSo spring is already here and I started to think about changing my image again. How do you think should I start to grow my hair back to make some... See More »
Is it ok for singer to have a bad diction? Poll (18) See Poll OptionsMy boyfriend is the leader of the band which I sang in, but recently he removed me from the position of vocalist, because from a certain moment my... See More »
I Love Being On Stage PerformingI started to play the guitar in different bands since I was 16, but they were all ephemeral. In the beginning of 2016 I was invited as a guitarist to the band which still exists, I met my bf there. After a few month I suddenly became a lead singer... See More »
I Have Been Told I Have A High Pitched VoicePeople say I have a high pitched voice especially when I'm nervous) And my bf says I was so squeaky when I was confessing my love to him that he was ready to stop his ears. But he says that normally my voice is beautiful and just sometimes too shrill... See More »
I Think Bald Girls Are BeautifulFirstly because I live bald, and my friend also chosen baldness as a lifestyle. Previously she was an ordinary brunette, and now she is attractive and unusual woman. I think bald women are brave and beautiful.
I Am a PerformerWe have a four-members rock band, with my bf as a leader, bassist and singer. I met him when I came to the band in spring 2016 as a new guitarist but quite fast my bf lost possibility to sing, we found a new guitarist and I became a lead singer. Year... See More »
I Walk On My TiptoesActually there are two reasons for me to walk on tiptoes: when I want to kiss my bf and when and when the evening comes, and the neighbours below begin to swear that I knock too loudly with my bare heels on the floor. Since most of time I'm at home... See More »
I Hate Going to the GynecologistOf course it's not a big pleasure to seat in front of your doctor without any clothes on and with legs widely spread out... And yes every two month my doctor says me that my toothless mouth reminds him about his work...
I Have a LispHow can I have no lisp if I don't have teeth. Of course when I'm wearing dentures it gets much better but even so I can't speak as previously. And without dentures I lisp so badly that sometimes people don't understand what I'm talking... Not a big... See More »
I Have A Shaved HeadYes, for more than two years I prefer to keep my head shaved bald. I feel much more free without any hair on by head... and of course bald head is erogenous zone, if you understand what I'm talking about...
I Think Smiling Is Very AttractiveAs baron Munchausen said an intelligent face is not a sign of intelligence. Smile, gentlemen, smile.
I Like SingingOf course I like singing. And what is most important most people like when I'm singing. Except for my neibourgs, sometimes they start to thumb into walls when I accidently decide to sing at night...
I Like Playing GuitarI like playing guitar and singing. It's equally big fun for me to sing to the accompaniment of an acoustic guitar and to play some riffs on my electric one. It was my sister who taught me to play the guitar and now I with my friends have kind of a... See More »
I Have GlassesI have a little myopia so I have to wear glasses or lenses. I prefer lenses but sometimes I have to switch to glasses to let my eyes have some rest... And of course I wear glasses at home. My friends say I look much smarter when I'm wearing glasses)
I Am a Natural RedheadI'm a natural redhead, but I kind of forgot about it, because I started to change my look when I was 19 and still can't stop. It started when I started dating with my boyfriend, I like bald men and I persuaded him to shave his head. He accepted it... See More »