I seriously need advice.I have a best friend (A), and she tells me we are best friends. Well, shes been spending a lot of time with (P) lately, and I don't think P likes me very much. I find myself getting a little upset when they hangout, and I think I'm jealous. I mean I... See More »
Idk what to doI have this friend whom I consider to be my best friend. I doubt she feels the same way but we are definitely close. I do not tell people things and I keep everything bottled inside, yet she is honest with me. i know she doesn't tell me everything,... See More »
How to make friends?How do you make friends? Im really bad at it. And all I want is people to like me.
I tried to make a joke today...My ASL class is chaotic, in a good way. We all have inside jokes, and you learn something new every day, even if it has nothing to do with ASL. At the front of the class is a big whiteboard and I draw on it a lot. Other classes do too, but I draw... See More »
Im done. *Trigger Warning to a lot of stuff (Sorry)I think I am done. I have absolutely no purpose. And the past three years everyone has told me "Its gets better, It gets better" but it hasn't. In fact its got worse. Everyone I love is dying. I have no freinds. No one on this planet wants me alive.... See More »
I just need a hug.I have no one. My parents ignore me, my friends laugh at me. Im not cool enough to make new friends. Im not stong enough to leave old friends. Im not confedent enough to ask people to hang out. The only time people ever talk to me is if they want... See More »