Is the glass half full or half empty?Neither because half is filled with water and the other half air. (1)
Can you relate*takes an online quiz, accidentally refreshed the page and tries to answer the questions like you did originally but fails*
Can you relate?*is bored and takes an online quiz. I take it a second time and I get a different result*
I like riddlesOkay so this guy lives on the 17th floor, he goes all the way up when it's raining or when he's with a friend. But if he's alone it the sun is shining he rides up to only the 9th floor and walks the rest if the way up. Why is that?
Are you one of those peopleWho turn on sleep music on YouTube or something and you are in the comments section for like the first hour? At one point I was
I have a jokeSo a grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, "did you know there's a drink named after you." The grasshopper says, "you have a drink named Carl?"
I want to knowWhen on the main feed and you click on a question, do you even notice what it's category is?