I spent 2 hours today in a bookshop. 2 hours of looking at books and I didn't even buy any. What is wrong with me 😂
You know when you have a runny nose and a blocked nose at the same time somehow? That's probably what an eternity in Hell feels like.
I Have AnxietyPractising telling the bus driver where you're going 400 times in your head while waiting on the bus and then spending the entire journey replaying it in your head and wondering what the driver thinks about you now. #JustAnxietyThings
"Do you wanna go out tonight?"If by "out" you mean "out of the real world and into dreams via sleeping" then I'm all for it.
People who give their Snapchat name out willy-nilly scare me.Do they have no fear of what snaps may grace their screen?
January is such an underwhelming month.After the festivities, most people seem to be a bit down at the prospect of having to return to the mundane normality of life.