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I'm trying to get back to exercising

So I have a couple questions/comments, the usual.

Can you gain muscle with resistance bands? I keep hearing they are for toning only. My space, well, I have no space actually. SO, resistance bands for me, are the alternative to metal weights, and there's no room for a gym system either.

I bought a 20lb. and a 30lb. resistance band, and have started exercises with them. I feel burning after doing two sets of curls, but not as intensely as if I were using a 20lb. barbell. And I have to do more reps, so I try to do other exercises and come back to a second set of curls at the end.

I'm definitely nowhere near as active as I used to be. I work a sit down job m-f 10 to 11 hours a day, then I come home and sit down in front of the computer until bed time. So I've been trying to do some sort of exercise activity.

So far I've only been using the 20lb. band. Going to use the 30lb. when the 20lb. feels like it's too easy.
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Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
When are you going to have time to workout with such long hours
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@twiigss I drive an hour anyway. I'm wanting to find a gym close to work. Home is too distracting for home workouts.
twiigss · M
Ahhh ok. Well, best of luck to you @Lilliesandlight :)
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@twiigss thanks, same to you ☺️
You can gain muscle using any form of resistance, body weight included, but after a while hypertrophy is harder to achieve.

Honestly you’re number one goal should be reduction in body fat %, and after that focus on maintaining balance, core and joint health as you age.
Ferric67 · M
Feel free to pm me fitness questions, I'd be more than happy to discuss my beliefs and practices.
twiigss · M
@Ferric67 Well my main goal, gain muscle. A few years ago I was watching this guy on Youtube, a body builder Elliot something. Anyway he basically says anyone can gain muscle, and explained how to do it.

I did what he said to do, and I followed everything by the letter. I had zero gains. So, I don't believe everyone can gain muscle. I distinctly remember, back in 1995 or early 1996, I had a weight system and at one point was working out like crazy and it took me 2 months of working out every single day, two or three times a day, just to start gaining. Then I moved out, stopped working out, and the gain was entirely gone in just a couple weeks.
Ferric67 · M
@twiigss you bring up a significant point that most people ignore, our genetics heavily influence our results. Can you build more muscle? Sure, it's possible within your genetic capacity. Here's another fitness "secret", leg workouts are paramount to muscle gains. Why? Because our body produces recovery hormones based on the population amount of exhausted muscle tissue. Where are most of our skeletal muscle cells? Our lower body. Our upper body is mostly organs with some muscle. Our lower body has approximately 65% of our overall muscle mass. Why neglect that?
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
I don't think so. You don't have room to life dumbbells? Bicep curls, tricep dips, squats, etc would be much more effective
twiigss · M
@Rolexeo Dumbbells maybe, but might only be enough space for two or three of them at most. I am extremely limited on space.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@twiigss That's all you need

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