So, in order:
- First of all, for some reason (i.e. selling bags), pockets in girl clothes are a joke, whereas ours can perfectly contain a wallet, a smartphone, and one or two pairs of keys.
- No need for lotions, we all tend to hate them, even guys like me who have a dry skin. I'll put some before leaving the house and that'll suffice until the end of the day.
- Water bottles, well.. I know of guys who go drink even from the public fountains in cemeteries, that you'd normally use to water the flowers (no jk) 🥴 also, I don't know others but I tend to drink very little. If I have to go some place where I'm spending a large amount of time (e.g. the beach) I'll bring a bottle of water, otherwise I'll try to survive with the humidity in the air.
- Tissues fit in a pocket. Otherwise you can just spray the content of your nasal cavities in the air like a savage I suppose
- Sunscreen is another thing that I would apply before leaving the house; although, in general I go to the beach pretty late (like 5pm or later) so it's not much of a big issue.