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Gentleman of SW....

Each day you leave your homes in absence of a bag, a water bottle, lip balm, hand sanitizer, lotion, tissues, sunscreen nor an extra layer in case you get cold.

A wallet and keys jammed in a pocket and off you go.

Care to expound upon such chaotic recklessness perhaps, hmmmm? 🤔
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ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
This may point you in the right direction...
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
@swirlie autonomous driving🤔😂
Elessar · 26-30, M
@ozgirl512 Can confirm.

TIL that pink and purple are different colors 🥴
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Elessar · 26-30, M
So, in order:
- First of all, for some reason (i.e. selling bags), pockets in girl clothes are a joke, whereas ours can perfectly contain a wallet, a smartphone, and one or two pairs of keys.
- No need for lotions, we all tend to hate them, even guys like me who have a dry skin. I'll put some before leaving the house and that'll suffice until the end of the day.
- Water bottles, well.. I know of guys who go drink even from the public fountains in cemeteries, that you'd normally use to water the flowers (no jk) 🥴 also, I don't know others but I tend to drink very little. If I have to go some place where I'm spending a large amount of time (e.g. the beach) I'll bring a bottle of water, otherwise I'll try to survive with the humidity in the air.
- Tissues fit in a pocket. Otherwise you can just spray the content of your nasal cavities in the air like a savage I suppose
- Sunscreen is another thing that I would apply before leaving the house; although, in general I go to the beach pretty late (like 5pm or later) so it's not much of a big issue.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Trippy The only time I carry around anything resembling a bag (backpack) is when I go to the beach. Contents:
1x Towel
1x 500ml Water Bottle (one of the fancy steel ones that keep the water clean)
1x pair of earphones

Anywhere else, all I have with me is:
1x phone
1x wallet (usually empty lol)
1x ring of keys (house, garage, bike)
Trippy · F
@Elessar 🙂... I feel ya man. Just playin'. A bag with anything more I'd have to check the sugar in your tank. 🤭
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Trippy The water cool* not clean, what did I even write lol

No sugar for me, I'm trying to lose 2kg since 2015 or so 🙈
Pherick · 41-45, M
Well I have some of that in my car, though I am guilty of leaving the house with wallet, keys and phone, and nothing else :)
Trippy · F
@Pherick Mmmhmmm.... What further say ye? 🤔
Pherick · 41-45, M
@Trippy Well I keep water and sanitizer in my car. Thats usually where I want a drink or need to sanitize my hands. Most places have it everywhere now, so its like after grocery shopping, I want to sanitize my hands, so the car works.

Though thinking about it now, I do keep lotion on my dresser, my hands get dry in the winter, and I do have a small pack of tissues in my car.

I am more prepared than I thought.
Trippy · F
@Pherick Carry on then 🙂
Wallet in the left pocket, phone in the right..keys in the back pocket. There's nothing else I could ever possibly need when leaving my home. 99% Of the time I'm going to the office, the store or visiting a friend. Now if it's a 10 day portaging trip in a national park sure I'll bring extra provisions but in my day to day life I don't need much.
@Trippy I OBJECT!!!
Trippy · F
@MrBlueGuy Over ruled.

( Forgot I'm sportin' the only robe in this here jurisdiction)
@Trippy So what you're the prosectuor, the judge..are you also the jury? The executioner????
Pfuzylogic · M
Must have my U.S. Navy ball cap to protect the exposed portions of the top of my head!
A squeeze container of PanOxyl but beyond that my skin is good.
I am at the age where I must have my adjustable tint bifocals so that I can always enjoy the view of the path I traverse.
I use a backpack….I have a water bottle…

Hand sanitizer, paper towels and tissues are made available at work.

I don’t wear socks at all…a personal choice made years at times I will wear an extra layer..
BalmyNites · F
They stick it all in their wife/girlfriend’s handbag 😁
Trippy · F
@BalmyNites It's as tho' we're a carry on....that carries 🤔
BalmyNites · F
@Trippy Isn’t that the truth 😂
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
Lip balm- wa'watta,
and lotion- wh'who as a guy..
Tissues and sunscreen??
No no this is not mans daily carry ons. That all stuff is commonly seen in a woman's handbag...

Trippy · F
@SledgeHammer Haha... Indeed. Simply poke'in fun of my own steamer trunk I lug around 😂
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
@Trippy I have yet to witness a man spreading this,THIS LIP BALM upon his face .. then that will be the final step down from the mans manliest. My chin hits my chest to the thought....
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
I leave the house with the things I need. I take a wallet, a penknife, and a few odds and ends. I don't use sunscreen, I don't use lip balm. I am a mechanic so there is usually a roll of shop towels in the car. I don't worry about whether I will get cold or not unless I am on a motorcycle and then I usually have gloves and a jacket in the saddle bag. I don't like to burden myself with a bunch of bric-a-brac that isn't necessary to me. Lotion isn't needed for me. The callouses never soften up anyway.
Trippy · F
@Roadsterrider Sir, you failed to answer to the absence of any and all multi- adorned key chains including but not limited to: Miniature Lawn Gnomes. 🤔
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Trippy I don't do key chains. I have a key for my truck, my motorcycle and my jeep. One key fits what I am driving, when I am out of the vehicle, one key in my pocket is more comfortable than a gnome and a wad of keys. I am a mechanic by trade so I am frequently on the floor of a shop rolling around looking at something, the less stuff I have in my pockets, the more comfortable I am.
Trippy · F
@Roadsterrider Hmmmm... How bout'...gummy bears then? Hmmm... Gotta sound argument in hopes of thwarting them as well, perhaps? 🤔
Trippy · F
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@Trippy Most of the time nothing
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@HannahSky @Trippy Most of the time nothing and thank you for the carrot hugs
We're... men... ?....
@Trippy Lol... there might be a difference in opinion... on what that basic minimum is.

Of course.. a mitigating, or affecting characteristic may be if he's going out on his own... and if not, how he feels about the girl he's out with. Just saying.
Trippy · F
@SW-User Interesting perspective 🤔
@Trippy Just one guess for one situation.
I carry bag, water bottle, sanitizer (use only if necessary), a pen, wallet, handkerchief and phone. 😁
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
Okay, where to begin...
1. I bring a lunch bag to work
2. My workplace always has water bottles in the refrigerators.
3. I carry chap stick
4. I carry hand sanitizer
5. I rarely use lotion so you got me there.
6. I carry tissues when I am sick.
7. I don't go anywhere that would really make sunscreen necessary.
8. With the weather getting hot, I won't need an extra layer as much.
Trippy · F
@SubstantialKick May I inquire, sir... This establishment whom employs you have other defense attorneys on the payroll? 🤔
I leave in my gym pants and T-shirt. I work right across the street.
Trippy · F
@SW-User Hmmmm... I sense an attempt to confuse the jury with the mesmerizing visual of gym shorts on a dude. 🤔
Freeranger · M
I leave home each morning, cross the street to my workshop and make or design something.😁 I work for da man no mo

I only got a set of earplugs in mah pockets and carry a few contents in my mind. I purposely leave the phone behind, and am within moments of sustenance in any form if I need it. I have no complaints, certainly no wants.
Trippy · F
@Freeranger Goals ☝️ ❤️
*giggles* you’re so funny.
Trippy · F
@Trippy 💋
Don't forget the phone😆
Trippy · F
@mondayschild2 Indeed!! God forbid the Y chrome the availability of Pornhub.
@Trippy I don't watch pornhub. I never saw phone on phone since it's not safe.
I don't drink water but if i should desire something to drink i stop and buy it, lip balm...well i never have to worry about anyone wanting to kiss me so not necessary to have soft or pretty lips, hand sanitizer...screw it, need for soft hands either no one is interested in holding hands with me, tissues...that's what sleeves are for, cancer is my friend, never have to worry about being cold, the extra layers of fat keep me warm.
Trippy · F
@istillhaveanameitsrick How bout a whoopin'? Need one of them, hmmm?
@Trippy almost got one of those this morning, guy was threatening the young lady working at Wendy's because she asked him to repeat himself. He would have kicked my ass (no big loss if i got hurt) but i wasn't going to let him get violent with her...luckily his wife got him out of there.
Trippy · F
@istillhaveanameitsrick Gonna grant you some steppin' up points, sir. And may we thank you for your service ❤️💋
I don't use lip balm, hand sanitizer, lotion or sunscreen, and I don't get cold. If I'm thirsty I'll buy a drink. Everything else fits in my pockets.
Trippy · F
@SW-User I fear this particular post mentioned not a river in Egypt, sir. 🤔
@Trippy No, you're quite right
Trippy · F
@SW-User 😂❤️
fun4us2b · M
I bring hand sanitizer, masks (both needed on public transport) lifesavers, pens, paper, glasses, tissues, tape measure, multitool, powerbar (in case) no clothes or lotions...
Trippy · F
@fun4us2b Holy shit!
I can cope with just my wallet and phone but leaving without hand sanitizer is not ideal 😔 I usually buy drinks so that's no problem 🙂
OnePatheticClown · 51-55, M
Considering that I onky go out in pajama pants with keys and money firmly clutched in my hands...
Trippy · F
@OnePatheticClown Beer run? 🤔
1490wayb · 56-60, M
keep some both at work and at home...simple
Trippy · F
@1490wayb Don't make me come over there! Now... What's in your BAG? 😎
1490wayb · 56-60, M
@Trippy summertime now so i have watermelon YUM!!!
Trippy · F
@1490wayb Super yummy!!! Case dismissed 🪒❤️🍉
Carry a bag to town with water bottle in it. Need to buy a hs really..
Trippy · F
@SW-User I'm here by granting you prosecution by clause of effort. Case Dismissed. 🪒
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I don't carry round any thing bar a phone keys or money 🤔
Trippy · F
@Gangstress Your Hierarchy gang status = Carry what you wish. Mucho respect, 😎👌🤘🤟
Coppercoil · M
I got a bag.. its just tacticool.
Trippy · F
@Coppercoil Contents!... details, if you will, sir? 🤔
Coppercoil · M
@Trippy folding multi tool.. knife.. lighter.. extra battery pack and cable for phone.. flashlight.. sunglasses.. pen and notebook.. reading glasses.. ballcap.. starbucks powdered instant coffee..a couple granola bars.. and whatever else I think I might need.
Trippy · F
@Coppercoil Well I'll be damned, dipped and booted clean off the seat of judgement!! 😯
Keeper · M
Freedom comes in many different forms.
Trippy · F
@Keeper Depends on who's the shot caller in on this particular cell block. 😎
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Trippy · F
@Max13 Might one " reasonably" assume your likeness might be on display in a post office? 🤔
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HannahSky · F
All the posts should be like this from now on 😂 👏
Pretzel · 61-69, M
we are in touch with our inner chuck norris...

hey trippy - do you have clippers in that bag? I seem to have broken a nail
Trippy · F
@Pretzel Only thing Chuck totes ' round in his sack are the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Always carry nail clippers.
Thank Christ 🕺✂️
Trippy · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Yay, though I walk through the valley of death, my oversized bag of stuff comforts me.
hillbilly · 26-30, M
I usually just head out the door
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I am but a simple creature. ;)
Trippy · F
@Degbeme Simply sweet, perhaps 😏
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Trippy 🙈
And whatever we wear will be our all day outfit, the things on our feet will probably be there for all activities regardless of how appropriate
Trippy · F
@questionWeaver I will need an assortment of your neck ties, sir; post haste!! ,😎
Hello Trippy 👉🥺👈
Trippy · F
@SW-User I resemble that remark , sir...thank you verrrr much.
@Trippy funny. 😅
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
We’re just crazy I guess
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
@Trippy have you considered having a valet travel with you ?
Trippy · F
@DownTheStreet Have.... Fired due to irreconcilable differences I'm afraid. 🤷‍♀️
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
@Trippy hmm. Perhaps put an advert out?
Montanaman · M
I scoff at men who carry a purse.
Backpack maybe, just might consider. 🤔
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
My pockets consist of my phone, wallet, vape juice and my vape device.
Trippy · F
@basilfawlty89 Mmmhmmm.... 😐
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Trippy hey there is santiser and keys in the car, but that's about it. I only take what I need. The nicotine is essential.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Well just goes to show, live and learn🤔
Trippy · F
@Justenjoyit 👌... Words well chosen, sir.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
@Trippy I mean you dont take all that stuff lol
Trippy · F
@Justenjoyit I just backed that particular bus up ,sir. Behold the pinch of my wrath!! 🤏😑
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Trippy · F
@LvChris We have air conditioned venues that get ....chili, homie 🤭
Because women keep buying water bottles,lip balm, hand sanitizer, lotion, tissues, sunscreen, and extra layers, we cannot afford our own bag. We make do.

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