I could, but I'm usually zoned out at the bathroom mirror before I have a chance to think about that. My main target is my face. Honestly, it's the combo of having the opportunity to pick + lack of real motivation to do anything else that makes me do it. I can think of a few periods of times over the past decade where I managed to stop, before relapsing. The first was the summer before college; I just invested in my skin and decided to use every facial treatment possible (not really sustainable). The second was when I had a bad infection and I absolutely needed to not touch my face in order not to spread the infection. The third was when I was living in an apartment with a crappy bathroom mirror and very low lighting, so I couldn't actually see my face. Each time it was a period of 1-3 months.
But I also do it when I'm bored, happy, excited, as well as angry/anxious, scared. I don't get it :-/ I think it's like an addiction