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I Think Age Is Only A Number

So I made it through another year.
Today, my age bracket changed.
I do not feel any different though.
My age or anyone else's has never bothered me.
I know a lot do not like to be asked their age.
I say, oh well... it's inevitable... we keep moving forward with our age, so might as well embrace it.
Here's to many more years!
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Happy birthday! I will admit, while 99% of the time my age is not a concern - I may quit SW before my age bracket changes to 70. That's next year. 😂
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Mamapolo2016 Thanks so much!!
No, don't quit SW!! 😊
DaveyTaco · 31-35, M
Age is just a number. That's great :) happy for ya
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@DaveyTaco Thanks so much!! 🙂
You're absopositively beautiful, lovely Blynx....and your gracious heart shines through your eyes. 💞❤️😘

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, sweetheart B 💃🏼🎶🌈 🎉🎈🎂Love you!!! 💐🎂
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Vivaci Thank you so very much, my sweet, dear friend V!!! 💞💗😘

Love you too!!! And appreciate you, my dear friend!
@JerseyGal dawww....🥰💓
Fantabulous · 46-50, F
Happy birthday beautiful soul - wishing you peace and contentment for the coming year xx
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Fantabulous Thank you so much my friend. I appreciate that. ✨
Suited · 51-55, M
Hi. What are you up to today? I do think age is a number, but keeping up with the workouts is tough...
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Suited I went to lunch with a friend, to the mall (Bath & Body Works), etc.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
Happy Birthday! 🎂
Remember that getting older is far better than the alternative. 😘
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@DragonFruit Thanks so much!! 😊
Yes, that's so true! 😘
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Mine will advance forward this summer.
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@JoyfulSilence Welcome to the change!
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
@JerseyGal Getting older sucks. I wonder what new part of my body will degrade next?
lasergraph · 70-79, M
You either get older or you don't, most people prefer the former.
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@lasergraph I will just accept each day as they come and be happy. 🙂
FORMERLYbatovn · 61-69, M
Time just keeps right on moving. Enjoy the ride!!
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@FORMERLYbatovn It sure does keep moving on. I will enjoy, and right back to you!!
Happy birthday beautiful. 🤗
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@wilderflower Thanks so much beautiful! 🤗💗
@JerseyGal 🤗💖
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Happy birthday, my friend. 🌹 🎂
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Rutterman Thank you very much, my friend. 🤗😊 Thank you for the gift!
Rutterman · 46-50, M
@JerseyGal You're very welcome. 🤗
Barebum61 · 61-69, M
I absolutely agree ,you are a beautiful woman😍
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Barebum61 🥰 thank you so much!!
TravisTx · M
Happy Birthday young lady! 🙂
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@TravisTx Thank you kind sir!! 😊
496sbc · 36-40, M
still beautiful as ever
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@496sbc Thank you so much, that's very kind of you.
496sbc · 36-40, M
Ur always a sweetheart to me@JerseyGal
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Happy Birthday!
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Fungirlmmm Thanks so much, my friend!
Happy Birthday! 🥂 🍰 🥳
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@SW-User Thanks so much!! 🍾🙌
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
Well someone who's about to change "the bracket" soon, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it....but with age and the distance travelled comes confidence, knowledge and a sense of "oh yeah?!...I'll show you who's old" that is a gift!
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@luctoretemergo You're right. There is nothing we can do about it. Just take what we've been through and apply it over the years.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
🤗 To life!🥂
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@SageWanderer 🤗🙌 absopositively!! 🍾
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
Happy birthday! 😊🎂 You will always be beautiful, whatever your age.

I hope the coming year brings many blessings your way.
Happy birthday. And yes you are right. Age is just a number. But for some of us it is a bigger number.😁
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@looking4thesun Thanks so much!
You're right 😁
I'll get there too!
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JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Waymore It has been a very nice day. Thank you for asking! 😊
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JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Waymore 🤗😊
Moonpenny · F
Lovely pic. Hope you're having a great day! 🌹
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Moonpenny Thank you very much. My day has been quite nice! 🙌🌻
Laughoften · M
Tell me how old you are if you did not know the year you were born?
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@Laughoften My soul feels like I'm 25, but sometimes my body 100.
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
Happy birthday beautiful 😘
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@KaysHealingPath Thanks so much beautiful! 😘🥰
AllAboutLaffs · 80-89, M
Cheers to you !!! ... 🤗
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@AllAboutLaffs Thank you so much!! 🤗
rockstar · 31-35, M
Happy Birthdayyyy !!! 🎂🥂
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@rockstar Thanks so much!! 🍾🙂
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
Happy Birthday!
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@chuck7882 Thanks so much and thank you for the gift!
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
Happy Birthday!
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@4thdimensiondream Thank you very much!
496sbc · 36-40, M
happy birthday / u never said anything to me
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@496sbc 😊
496sbc · 36-40, M
Happy Day 🥂🌹
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@SW-User Thank you very much! 🍾🌻
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Good for you, happy birthday. You are only as old as you allow your body to be.
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@samueltyler2 Thank you very much. Yes, along with trying to remain positive.
Happy Birthday to you ! 🎂🎁🛍🎊🎉🎈
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
@bijouxbroussard Thank you so very much!!

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