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I Hate My Life Right Now

As of today I'm homeless. Wish I was joking. Nothing ever lasts.
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Homeless with an Internet connection... ingenious.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@BoobooSnafu Wow, so much hate, dude. I hope it doesn't keep you up at night.
@MarkPaul No....your degree of hate doesn't bother saddens me a little that you throw it around so recklessly. But I also understand that it's your way of dealing with it.
But I do hope you find a better way. And that you find contentment within you don't need to vent so much anger here.

But life is a journey - and you've just started - you'll get there Man, I'm sure you will.

good Luck.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@BoobooSnafu I'm sure I will now that I have this collection of your life's lessons. I mean, how can I go wrong?
MightySizeQueen · 36-40, F
I'm sorry to hear that.... But since you're able to be online, google shelters.... There are many organizations out there to help you. May God be with you
I’m sorry. That’s rough.

Get yourself in the queue immediately for: daily meals, shelter, etc. Longer you wait the longer it will take.
I’m sorry but use your quote as motivation it won’t last forever

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