I Hate the World We Live InSometimes I feel like I want to move away somewhere where there is not alot of people. There are days at work where I hate that people don't have a care in the world. That some people think that there will always have someone taking care of them. I... See More »
I Hate the World We Live InI hate radical non-judgement because I can think of few things that leave evil more free to do its work in the world.
I Hate the World We Live InIf you're on one side of an issue, then you'll have an army of like minded people patting you on the back for believing what you believe. If you're on the other side of the issue, then you'll also have an army of like minded people patting you on the... See More »
I Hate the World We Live InIsn't it funny how you listen to the story being told by one side of an issue, and it makes it sound like the issue is so utterly one sided that only a brain-dead psycho could possibly be on the other side of it... but then you listen to the story... See More »
I Hate the World We Live InI won't lie to myself about it - I do feel condescension toward people who don't think for themselves. I think that it's a low and ugly way to be, and I'm grateful that, for better or for worse, my natural instinct is to think for myself. I think... See More »
I Hate the World We Live InIt's rare for someone to rise above a certain level of power without being a scumbag with a good image. It wouldn't be so bad, except that most people are sheep who are ready, willing and eager to follow whatever path is laid out for them from above,... See More »
I Hate the World We Live InBut the problem is that darkness spreads and multiplies just as readily as light does. And there's a hell of a lot more of it than there are matches to light in the darkness. There are a lot more bad people spreading darkness than there are good... See More »