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I Feel Lost

When my ex bf wanted me back a few weeks ago, i declined because he didnt treat me well last year. He just said cool and never texted me back again. Im happy he doesn't bug me anymore but once again, he made me feel rubbish and lost.

I wax very happy , felt stronger at the beginning of 2018 until he contacted me again saying Happy new year. I should have ghosted him instead of replying!

My sister also tore into me saying why were u even talking to him when he disrespected you last year? I felt small and stupid.

I feel very down about myself. I feel undeserving of being loved.

And to the men on SRW, if u wanna just chat with intentions to abuse my vulnerabilities - just DON'T, I will block you without doubts. I ain't dumb. Thanks.
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You just need to move forward from here on out. If he texts...don’t reply because you will remember how he made you feel.
You will get’s going to take time. Just take care of yourself.
Julienne · 51-55, F
Okay, thank you.@MissMollyCharlotte0702
happynudist · 56-60, M
It seems like no one else wants him either and you could be an easy catch.....Dont do it, there are better ones out there that will treat you right.
Julienne · 51-55, F
I haven't gone to him and youre right he wanted to use me which isnt nice so I refused his request. He said cool. Never called again it hurts cuZ his true colours was exposed.

SageWanderer · 70-79, M
And it does work both ways. My ex would try to contact me but that was before texting became a thing. Try not to be down on yourself, but it's easy to do when all you think about is being with losers.
Julienne · 51-55, F
How do u mean ?
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
@Julienne I'll PM you.
Julienne · 51-55, F
What does pm stands for? 🤔😐
Don’t beat yourself up about it. You told him no when it counted and now if he reaches out again, you can just ignore him. And keep steppin’. 👍🏽
Julienne · 51-55, F

greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Just don't communicate with him. It sounds like he fishes,casts out his line, and sees what he can catch. If he can get you back with minimal effort, he'll do it. I know it must hurt that he cares so little and you cared a lot--But he can't be changed and so far he has only hurt you. Too bad your family is not too supportive, but at least your sister knows he's an uncaring jerk.

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